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"Kris can you cover table three for me real quick? I need to use the bathroom." I tell my friend as I wipe my hands on my red apron.

"Sure thing." My friend replies with a warm smile. I quickly walk to the break room all the way in the back and head to the ladies room. 

While I'm in there I look in the mirror by the sink. I notice how I look really tired. There are visible under eye circles and my face just looks exhausted. Last night I was looking up some jobs I can apply for in August, I couldn't fall asleep so I thought I might as well do that. I have a feeling I won't be the intern that stays and I need a back up plan.

I soon leave the bathroom and return to my job. I thank Kris for covering for me and she brushes it off like it's nothing. 


I got home around nine. It's ten now. Doug is sleeping on the floor and he is snoring. My dog's snoring reminds me of how Harry sometimes snores. That makes me smile.

My phone buzzes and I look to it. I see it's my oldest brother, Daren. "Hello?" I say while answering.

"Hey, you busy?" My brother asks. His voice is semi peppy but still raspy and deep.

"Uh, no. What's up?" I ask.

"August 15th, are you busy?" 

"Uh, probably not. I might have a shift at the diner or be at my internship. Why?" I ask. 

"We want you to come down and visit on that day." Daren pauses. "With your boyfriend." I assume we is my brothers, dad, and my brothers wives. 

"You want to meet him?" I ask my brother.

"Why wouldn't I?" He asks. "Plus Dad, Mason, and Ethan want to meet him. It's been how many months?"

"Six." I answer. My voice lowers.

"Why haven't we met him yet?" My brother asks. 

"I haven't thought about it." I come up with. 

"Are you embarrassed of him?" Daren asks. His voice is questioning. 

"No." I answer honestly. "You guys aren't the easiest to get along with." 

"We're nice." My brother defends.

"Eh." I murmur. "I'll ask him if he's free that day, okay?" I change the topic. Daren is sometimes very cocky seems very higher than others. Also all my brothers are protective of me, so I'm worried they'll make Harry uncomfortable. 

"Sounds good. Just let me know." 

"Who's house will the dinner be at?" I ask.

"Dad's." I nod even though he can't see it. "Anyways, I gotta get going. I'll hopefully see you soon." 

"Will do." I reply.

We both soon hang up the phone and I let out a deep breath. Harry hasn't even got back to me about us going to his sister's beach house. I don't know how he'll react when I ask him if he wants to go down to my hometown and meet my family. 

I get up from my couch and go to my room to get changed for bed. Maybe I'll get more than two hours of sleep.


Harry and I are out for lunch. 

Usually once a week we go out to lunch on our break. This is our lunch date of the week. 

"I kinda need to tell you something." I say bluntly to Harry who's staring at me.

"Okay. What's up?" He sips his lemon water.

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