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Harry POV {Senior Year of High School}

I'm nervous. 

I assume that's normal considering I'm 18, still in high school, and I'm about to tell my Mother, Jane is pregnant. 

"What did you need to tell us?" Robin asks, his voice peppy.

Jane stands next to me and my Mother and Robin stand across from us. A faint smile is on my Mother's face. 

"I'm pregnant." Jane blurts out making my throat close at now she decides to bluntly say something. Robin's face looks confused as well as my Mother's.

"You're what?" Her father asks. His voice slightly raised.

"I'm pregnant." This time Jane's voice is low. 

"How do you know? Who the hell is the father?" Now Robin is yelling which makes me protective of Jane.

"I took three tests Dad." She pushes off the second part of the question which I'm thankful for. 

"Who's the father of the child?" Jane remains silent and my Mother is the one who caught on.

"Harry, please tell me you aren't the father." Her voice is cold and tense. My eyes look to my Mom who looks ready to disown me. "Oh god." She says while tugging her hand through her hair brown hair. 

Robin looks ready to hit me. I look away from him and to my Mom. "You guys were screwing around?" Her voice is disgusted.

"No." I say instantly. "Remember that girl I was talking to you about?" 


"That was Jane." I say. My voice lowers. 

"Why didn't you both tell us? Now she's pregnant!" She exclaims with wide eyes.

"We wanted you guys to be happy." I answer for Jane and I.

"Oh yeah, sure. Harry, you've never cared about my happiness." My Mother spits making my eyes sting. Jane grabs my hand making the two parents across from us more angry.

"Move away from him, Jane." Robin says. His voice is deep and demanding. 

"No, Dad." She fights back. 

"Jane-"She cuts her father off.

"I love him, okay? And I know he loves me too."

"I don't care. I don't want you around him. He knocked you up, Jane." Robin says like it's an obvious reason for her to stay away from me.

"He didn't purposely, Dad. And it's not all his fault, so stop." She raises her voice back at him.

"Stop?" Robin exclaims with wide blue eyes. "You're only 18 Jane! How far along do you think you even are?"

"Two months." She says softly. That was the last time we had sex.

"Great, there is still time for an abortion." My heart stings and her grip on my hand becomes tighter.

"That's not what we want." She says timidly.

"Are you fucking serious?!" The both of them yell. 

"You aren't ready to be parents." Robin adds. I look to my Mom who is giving me a disppointed look.

"Considering your Father, Harry, I'd assume you'd watch yourself." She throws in my face.

"I'm not my fucking deadbeat Dad." I snap back. "I'm not leaving her, or this child like your ex husband did." 

"Great, I'm glad you think like that. Who's going to pay for the doctor appointments?" Jane and I both remain silent at the question my mom asked. "I'm sure as hell not." 

"Neither am I." Robin adds. 

"I will." I murmur. "I have money saved up that will take care of it." I say.

"Your college money?" My Mother asks with a raised eyebrow. 

"Yeah. I'll pay off my college debt in the future or something." I respond.

"Harry-" I cut Jane off who has sad brown eyes.

"It's fine." I say. It's the least I can do considering she has to carry the baby for 9 months. 

"Great, now since you can pay off the doctor bills, you can find somewhere to live." My eyes look to my Mom. 


"Don't call me that. I obviously did a shitty job raising you if you got a girl pregnant." She spits.

"Well I don't have a good role model considering you got pregnant with Gemma when you were 19." I snap back. 

Before I know it, her hand hits my cheek harshly making my head go to the side. My cheek stings with a throbbing pain. "Get the fuck out of my house. I wish your father took you when he left." My heart burns from the comment.

"Jane stay here." Robin adds.

"If I'm going, she's going with me. I do not trust you two assholes with her." I reply back. 

"I'm her father." Robin says to me, his voice low.

"And I'm the father of the child she's carrying. I don't trust you around it considering you said for her to get an abortion." I say. I glare to my Mother. "What? Want to hit me again because you couldn't hit my Father when you had the chance?" I growl. "Jane, c'mon." 

"If you leave Jane, don't expect to speak to me again." Robin threatens. 

She doesn't say anything to him. She just heads to the front door. I follow behind her and put my hand on her lower back. 


I got a hotel room for the night. Liam said we can stay at his house until we find a place to stay. He lives in a mansion and his parents are never home. He's out tonight with some girl named Kelsey. 

"How are you?" I ask Jane who's sitting on the mattress. I told her tomorrow when they are at work I will go back to the house and grab clothes for us. I texted Mike who said he'll help grab some stuff.

"I'm okay? You?"

"I'm okay." I say softly. Her teeth bite her lower lip. I rest my hand on top of her's. "I'll schedule an appointment for you tomorrow." 

"I feel bad that you have to use your money on me. My Mom left me some money, I can help." Jane offers. I shake my head.

"Don't worry about the money, okay?" After school four days a week I work at a mechanic shop. I get paid under the books since I didn't go to a trade school for it. My Uncle hooked me up with the job. His friend owns the shop.

"I have a job, I can help with the rent." She says. "Please, let me do that." I nod.

"Everything else, I got, okay?" Her sad brown eyes look up at me. "Please don't look sad."

"My Dad's never raised his voice at me. It's usually always my brother. I thought they would be mad, but I didn't expect your Mom to kick you out." 

"I guess my Mother always secretly resented me." I murmur. Jane's head nuzzles into my chest. "Please know I will never leave you or our baby."

"I know." I hold her tightly and kiss her cheek. "I love you Harry."

"I love you too Jane." I say while stroking her skin.

"I like how the first time we both have sex I get pregnant." She cracks a joke making me laugh. She snickers herself. 



idk what else to say...

have a good day


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