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I'm home today. I don't have to work at the diner or go to the publishing office.

I always find it weird when I don't leave every morning to go to work. Or even to the foster centre or dog shelter. I always like to be out of the house so I don't have to think about John.

John is my ex boyfriend...

My phone vibrates beside me and I look to it. Harry's name is on the screen.

Harry: hello

Harry: how's Doug? Good?

Harry: I mean

Harry: I should've probably asked how you are first then the dog

Harry: how are you? Good?

Me: I'm swell wbu

Harry: I'm okay

Me: just okay?

Harry: yeah

Me: Doug is good , to answer your main question

Harry: you were my main question

Harry: I just didn't put you guys in order like how I wanted too

Harry: not that I care about Doug more than you which isn't true

Harry: I mean

Harry: I care about the dog too that's why I asked

Harry: I just didn't mean to ask about Doug first

Me: I never knew someone could ramble over text

Harry: I ramble a lot sometimes

Me: you know

Me: since we're texting, you can think about what you want to say first then hit send

Me: just in case you don't want to ramble :)

Harry: I only ramble when I'm nervous

Me: why are you nervous

Harry: because the purpose of me texting you was so I could ask you out on a date

Me: ohhhhhhhh

Harry: yeahhhhhhh

Me: you didn't give me when, or where styles

Harry: I told you I'm not good at this stuff

Me: you're better than my ex boyfriend so you're fine

Harry: what was your ex boyfriend like?

Me: just

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