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Harry and I have officially been dating for a month. April seems to be his busiest time with work so we didn't see each other a lot, besides when I intern at his office. But of course it's different since we don't act like a couple there.

I'm helping Harry move out of his house today.

This is the first time I've ever been to his house, which is odd. But, I like staying home so I don't mind.

"Are you sure you want to move? This house is beautiful." I say to Harry as I walk around.

"Yeah. The pent house is just as nice." He tells me with a grin. We stand in his kitchen and I look out the screen door. "I like the white fence." I say. "In ground pool too?" I ask.

"I haven't used it in years." He informs me. My eyes look to him. "I'm not home enough to take care of it."

"Hire someone." I say with a gentle grin.

Footsteps make their way over to us and we both turn around. I see an older women with pale brown hair and a soft smile. "Uh, Rose this is Eve. Eve this is my maid Rose." I smile warmly at her.

"Hello dear. Nice to meet you." Her voice is sweet.

"Thank you, you too." I say. "Need any help packing Mr. Styles?"

"No, we're all good here, thanks." She nods. Soon the kind women walks away and I look at him.

"You make your maid call you Mr. Styles?" I question.

"Yeah, why?" I shake my head and look back at the yard. Harry told me he has a niece and nephew that he sees often. I assume that's why there is a play set. It's behind the pool near the back fence.

"Ready to start?" He asks me. I nod and look back to him.


We stand in his bedroom that is a nearly empty. The color of the walls is navy blue with a white wooden frame at the bottom.

My eyes look to his closet. "Why do you only have one side filled?" I ask him.

"Huh?" He breaks out of his thoughts and looks at me. I point to the empty side of the closet.

"You have enough clothes to fill the other side." I bring up.

"I know." He murmurs. "Hand me that tie." He says while pointing to the one closest to me. I nod and hand it to him. It's a red bland tie that is nothing special. I've never seen him wear it before.

"Where's your bathroom up here?" There are a million rooms so I'm not sure where it is.

"Down the hall on the left. The door should be open." I nod.

I walk out of his room and go down the hallway that is semi dark. There are some photos on the wall that catch my eye.

As I'm walking down the hallway, I notice all the doors are closed, so that doesn't help.

I guess on a random door and slowly open it. My eyebrows furrow at the purple room with a twin mattress in the middle. There are some toys scattered across the floor and the bed is unmade.

There is a desk for what seems like a little kid by the wall on the left. Some drawings are pinned to the wall as well. There are a photo on the nightstand as well as the desk.

"What are you doing?" I hear a voice comment behind me. I jump slightly and put my hand on my chest.

I turn around and face Harry who has a tense jaw. "I was trying to find the bathroom and just picked a door." I say honestly. His eyes break away from me and to the room behind me. His eyes turn soft.

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