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I'm sitting across from Harry who stares at me.

I play with my straw wrapper and try not to think about anything that happened on Monday.

"How have you been?" He asks me.

"Um, fine I suppose. You?" I ask.

"I've been uh good I guess." His shoulders shrug.

I wonder if he's good now because we haven't been together together in two months.

"That's good." I say. I sip my Pepsi and look away from him. He's making me nervous.

"How's Doug?"

"Good. He likes his new blanket." Harry bought him a new blanket that has little pugs on it. I thought that was cute.

Harry just smiles at me and rests his hands on his lap.

Silence falls for a brief moment.

Or a long moment.

"What you want to talk about?" I ask.

"Us." Harry says. I bite my lip and nod.

"Okay," I feel my hands begin to sweat. I rub my hands onto my jeans and bite the insides of my cheeks.

"Uh," He pauses and runs his hand through his hair. "My therapist says that I should talk to you about my progress and all but I don't know what to say about it, so I'll uh come back to that." I snicker softly and he smiles. "Sorry I'm starting to ramble aren't I?"

"Not as bad as usual." I compliment.

"Thanks," Harry says. "So these two past months of us being on a break, I've realised that us going slow, was more than slow. It was more like me acting like I don't want to be with you, which I'm sorry about. At the time I thought everything we were doing was fine, when it wasn't. I only did that because I still felt like I was married to my ex wife.

During the past 6 years I should've tried to move on from my wives death, and focus on the fact that she's gone, and she would've wanted me to move on and be happy. But I didn't. And I'm sorry it took me to be with you to realise how I was acting and feeling wasn't normal and or right."

Harry pauses for a moment then continues speaking. "So moral to that I'm sorry for not being the boyfriend you need. I was emotionally and physically closed off and that's not what you deserve to go through." His talking is slower which is making me more nervous. "So I guess that's the progress of my therapy."

"Do you feel better since you go to therapy?" I ask timidly.

"Yeah," Harry says. "It opened my eyes and made me realise how I was acting towards you."

My fingers start to fidget under the table. "I'm glad you're going," I say.

Harry just gives me a polite smile. "I also miss you a lot." He tells me.

"You do?"

"Yeah," His eyes look into mine. "The hard thing about the two months was being away from you."

I graze my teeth over my lower lip. "So, where do we go from here?" I ask timidly.

"Well," His eyes look away from mine for a quick moment. "Are you um, with anyone new? Like have you started seeing anyone?"

"No, why would I?"

"I didn't know if you still wanted to be with me," Harry says. His voice lowers a bit.

"I do," I answer. "Have you started seeing anyone?" I manage to ask. I sip my drink after.

"No," He answers. "I don't want to be with anyone but you." That makes my heart flutter.

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