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All my brothers are here besides Daren who is running late.

So far, Ethan and Mason are getting along with Harry, which I like. My Dad's been an asshole towards him, which isn't like him.

Everyone is outside either eating or swimming in the pool.

I excuse myself from the backyard and head inside to use the bathroom.

As I'm walking in I hear the doorbell. I stop in my tracks and go to the door to answer it. I slowly pull it back and see Daren with his wife and son.

"Hi Aunt Eve." My nephew Logan says with a wide smile.

"Hi." I ruffle his brown hair. "You got so tall Jesus." I say to Logan who is now three.

"Daddy still calls me short." His brown eyes look to my brother who is a smug smile on his lips.

"Compared to me he is."

"You're 6'2 and he's still three." I remind him. He smiles and gives me a hug.

"How have you been? Good?" My brother asks.

"Yeah, I've been good. You?" I ask.

"Great. The law firm has been busy as ever." Daren grins to himself.

"Eve your phone keeps going off." I hear Harry's voice say from a distance away. He soon makes his way to the living room and greets us.

"Uncle Harry!" Logan exclaims while running up to Harry and hugging him.

"Hey little dude." Harry replies while hugging him.


I look to Daren who has scowling eyes. His jaw is tense as well as his whole face.

"Logan why don't you give us all a minute?" Daren speaks up.

"Okay." He says. "Mommy come with me." Erica, Daren's wife nods with a small smile.

Once they leave the foyer the room goes silent. "You're dating my baby sister?" Daren says to Harry.

"On my end, I didn't know she was your sister." Harry defends.

"How did you not fucking know?" My brothers exclaims.

"You both know each other?" I ask, interrupting.

"Eve, he was my best man at my wedding. I even introduced you guys." My eyes widen. "You both talked for like ten minutes, do you not remember?"

"No." Harry and I both say.

"Eve give us a minute." Daren says.

"Daren." I scold.

"Eve." He mimics. "I just want to talk to my best man over here." My brother grips Harry's shoulder.

I look to Harry who nods saying it's okay to go outside. I bite my lip and huff. I soon walk away.

Harry POV

"What the fuck man?" Daren shoves me a little.

"I didn't know." I exclaim with wide eyes.

"How did you not know? You've met before, I've shown you a photo of her, we have the same fucking last name, should I go on?" My best friend of nine years rants.

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