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It's November now and the weather has gotten colder.

It's Wednesday night and I'm out to dinner with my friend, Kris, who I haven't seen in a while. Since I got my full time position at the publishing office, I haven't been able to hangout with Kris as much as I'd like. But, I assume that's what adulthood is like. 

"So," Kris starts. I sip my Pepsi and look at my friend. "How are you and Harry doing?" 

"Uh, I think good." I answer. 

"That's good," She smiles. "Is he still acting like how he was before?" 

"No," I say. "He's changed, but in a good way of course." 

"Do you see a future with him?" 

"Define future." I bite my lip. Kris chuckles a little.

"Marriage, kids, growing old together, that sort of stuff." Her voice is perky and happy.

"I mean, yeah. But, I don't want to bring up any of that stuff since we've only been dating for nine months." I also don't want to bring it up because I don't know if he wants kids. I'd rather not start that conversation with him. And we also haven't even said the L word yet, which is fine I assume. 

"He's almost thirty though," Kris reminds me.

"He's turning twenty nine in February. And I'm turning twenty five next month. I also don't want a baby and married now." I pause for a moment to sip my drink. "Anyways, how are you and Travis?"  

"Swell," She grins happily. Her and Travis have been dating for four years now. I don't care much about him. He's a quiet dude that doesn't like me. I can just see in his eyes that he doesn't like me much. "Tomorrow night his parents are coming over for dinner. So that should be fun." They also live together.

"Do you like his Mom?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah, she's a wonderful woman," Kris stops for a moment. "I kinda want to get married now." She brings up out of no where which causes my eyes to widen.

"Why?" I ask curiously.

"I don't know," My friend says with a shrug. "I just want to take our relationship to the next level." 

"The next level is a promise ring," I say causing her to roll her eyes at me. I grin humorously.

"I don't want a promise ring," Kris pauses. "I mean, if he'd give me one I'd wear it, but I want an engagement ring." Travis is twenty six, Kris is twenty five. 

One of the reasons why I don't really like Travis is because he's John's best friend. I personally think Kris can find someone else. But, I'm not one to judge a relationship. 

"Have you talked to him about it?" I ask.

"No," She huffs. "I'll just wait. At least the sex's good." I shake my head at my friend who loves to talk to me about her sex life. I don't mind, it's funny to hear about oddly. 

"I'm glad?" My eyebrows furrow. I don't know how I should respond to that.

"Are you having good sex Eve?" Kris asks me.

"I'm having no sex," I say causing her eyes to widen.


"Yeah," I say causally. 

"Are you guys waiting?" My friend asks me. She sips her drink that's almost empty.

"Not purposely," I say. "I'm not in a rush." I add. I finish off my Pepsi and put it near the end of the table. I rest my hands on my lap.

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