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We got home a while ago and we're in bed laying down.

We face each other and his hand rests on my lower back. The room is dark and the only sound being made is Doug snoring loudly.

"Did you have a good time?" I ask my boyfriend who's looking at me.

"Eh, you?" He asks me. His head moves closer towards mine.

"I had fun," I admit. "Are you okay?" I ask.

"I am, why?" Harry says.

"Just wondering. You seemed a little off after you went upstairs. I assume it was because you were getting a lot of memories. I just wanted to make sure everything was alright," I explain briefly.

"I'm good," Harry says. "I just was going down memory lane a little. I nod and play with his fingers.

"If you need to talk I'm here," I say. His head presses against my neck and his arms wrap around me.



"I love you," Harry murmurs against me.

"I love you too," I say back to him.

After a few moments we both fall asleep.


It's Sunday morning and I woke up with Harry not in bed. His side of the bed was already made up.

I tiredly walk to the kitchen and see him standing near the counter drinking water.

"Good morning," I greet my boyfriend. I walk over to where he is and find myself staring at his body. He's shirtless and wearing gym shorts that fall to his low waist.

"Morning," Harry places down the water bottle he was drinking and runs his hand through his hair that looks damp from sweat.

"Did you go to the gym?" I pull down the sleeves of my my long sleeve shirt.

I tend to go to bed either wearing a long sleeve shirt and shorts. Or tank top and pyjama pants. I get hot very easily or cold very easily.

"Yeah I went at six this morning," Harry says while looking at me. My eyes glance down at his V line that is very noticeable.

"Did you have fun at the gym?" I ask. I look back to my boyfriends face and smile softly.

"Yeah for the most part. Did you sleep fine?"

"Yeah," I answer. "Before I forget, did you want to go to my Dads house for Thanksgiving with me?"

"If you want me to go I will," He says.

"Do you want to go though?" I ask. My arms cross over my chest.

"I'll go for you," He leans down and kisses my cheek.

He begins to walk away and I watch him. I didn't know he had back dimples. Then again, I never looked at him shirtless for long besides when we were at the beach. And even then I didn't look at him long.

I let out a deep breath and go to the fridge to grab Doug's wet food to feed him.

I look to the clock hanging on the wall across from me and it reads eight o'clock. From being with Harry I learned to wake up early instead of sleeping till noon. I mean, I do have more hours in the day to do stuff but I don't remember what it's like to sleep in.


After I watched TV for a while with Doug I head back to my room to get changed out of my pyjamas.

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