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My eyes wake up to sunlight burning down on my cheeks.

A blanket is around my body and is brought up to my chin.

"Did you sleep well?" I hear Harry's voice ask as he walks into my room. His body sits beside mine and his hand rests on my leg.

"I slept okay." I murmur. "You didn't have to stay with me last night."

"I wanted to make sure you were okay." Harry tells me with a small smile.

My mind goes off from Harry and I's conversation and I think to something else.


My eyes wake up from the bright sun burning down on my face.

I hear the bedroom door creak open making my body automatically freeze and my jaw tremble.

I wish I never agreed to move in. I only did because I was scared what would happen if I said no to him.

"Baby?" I hear Johns voice croak sadly. I feel him sit down beside me on the bed and his hand rest on my leg. "I'm sorry." You always are.

My eyes look and see John staring down me. "I-I had a bad day at work." He speaks softly. His eyes brim with tears. "I didn't mean to freak out. Please forgive me."

I forgive him for a lot, which I shouldn't have. My weakness is letting go too easily. I justify him hitting me because I make myself believe I did something wrong. If I just looked at the kitchen again maybe I would've seen the pans. Maybe if I did what I'm told I wouldn't be hit. I always watch movies with women in similar positions as I am. Or sometimes I read books. I can think that they're idiots for staying because I can't leave myself.

John's thumb strokes my tender cheek. My body moves away from his touch out of fear. His head shakes. "Please don't be scared of me. I love you so much, you know that." I don't know what I know anymore.

"I want to be alone." I murmur.

"Okay." My boyfriend mutters. He presses his lips to my forehead. "I love you." His eyes look into mine for me to say it back, which I don't.

I know when he's mad at me later he'll throw in my face how I take him for granted and how I don't love him.

I hear the bedroom door shut and my eyes close. I have a throbbing pain everywhere in my body.

I slowly get out of bed and head to the mirror on the wall in our room. I see my eye is swollen as well as my cheek. It doesn't help John boxes at the gym...

Usually when he tells me to take of my pants, I blank out the rest. I don't want to remember, but it always replays in my mind of what he did later on. It's nice to forget for a while.

I pull down the sweatpants I'm wearing and see my pelvis is bruised. I don't remember what he did to me. I'm scared to know now. I hug my arms around my body and bite my lip.

Why can't he be like how he was when we first started dating?

The door pulls open and I see John walk in with water. My shirt covers my lower half which I'm thankful for. My arms cross over my body.

"I just thought you would want some water." My boyfriend says timidly. He leaves it on the night stand by my side of the bed.

His brown eyes meet mine causing me to look away. "You're not scared of me, are you?" His voice is shaky.

"No." I lie. I know everything I will say will be used against me in his next out burst.

"Do you know I love you?"

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