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"Is the remote by you?" Harry asks me as we sit on his bed.

"Uh," I pause to look around the covers for it. "Yeah why?"

"Can you raise up the volume?" I nod and raise up the TV volume. I place the remote in the middle of the bed and look to Doug who's by my feet.

This is the second week of us being together since we resumed our relationship. I think everything has been going good so far.

Two days ago we went to dinner and now we're at his apartment hanging out. It was raining earlier and I didn't want to leave Doug by himself so I took him with me to Harry's.

It's currently nine o'clock and I have work in the morning. "I should get going," I say to Harry.

"Do you have to go?" His green eyes look to me.

"Tomorrow is Monday, and I have work." I poke the shadow of a dimple resting on his cheek.

"You can spend the night." He grins. I open my mouth to speak but he continues. "You still have most of your clothes here, so you have something for tomorrow." Harry brings up.

"I don't know. They aren't my Monday clothes." He grins at me and kisses my lips.

"You'll be okay one day without your Monday clothes." My eyes narrow at him and his eyes narrow back. Harry just ends up smiling at me.

His eyes look to the TV and I ponder for a moment.

Should I start brining my stuff that's here back to my apartment? Or do I leave them here? Does Harry want my things here still or does he want them out?

"What are you thinking about?" Harry asks me. I break out of my thoughts and look over at him.

"Stuff." I say.

"What kind of stuff?" He lays down more on his mattress.

"I don't know if I should start moving my things out of here," I say honestly.

"Do you want to not have any of your things here?"

"Do you want my things here?" I ask.

"I don't mind having your things here," Harry says. "I would like to work our relationship back up to the point where you move in, again. So I guess having your things here is easier when you do."

"They aren't in your way?"

"They never were." Harry grins gently. I just nod and look back to the TV.

I lay down completely and stretch out my legs. I move closer to Harry who is looking at me.

My head rests on his chest and his arms wrap around me. His lips leave kisses on my cheek down to my neck making me smile.

I bring the covers to my chin and a yawn leaves my lips. "Do you want me to turn off the TV so you can get some sleep?"

"If doesn't matter." I reply while closing my eyes.

"Okay." His fingers run through my hair. "Goodnight Eve."

"Goodnight Harry." I overlap my leg with his causing him to snicker and me to smile.

"Are you alright sleeping in leggings?"

"I will be for tonight." I respond. I can't sleep in anything tight because it makes me sweat while I sleep. I'm surprised Harry remembers that about me.

"Do you have any of your pyjamas here?" He asks.

"I'm not sure." I say honestly. "I'm too comfy to get up though. If I wake up and I have no pants on don't mind." I yawn again.

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