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Since my half mental break down I tend to get every two or so months, I think everything between Harry and I have been good since then. I do feel a little closer to him since I let myself be open towards him. Usually I would push Kris away when she wants to help me. I think that's because she would always tell me I told you so.

I got home from the dog shelter and now I'm relaxing.

Doug is on my lap playing with his toy. My phone dings making me look to it.

Harry: hi :)

Me: hii

Harry: what are you doing?

Me: nmu?

Harry: nothing

Harry: did you want to go out tomorrow night?

Me: sureee

Me: do you have somewhere in mind?

Harry: a sushi place?

Me: i never had sushi

Me: too expensive for my taste

Harry: i'm paying ofc

Me: that wasn't me hinting youre gonna have to pay Harry

Me: i'm just saying i never had it because i'm poor

Harry: ik

Harry: i'm just saying

Me: i can pay half

Harry: anyways, would you be willing to go?

Me: ._.

Me: yeah, i'll try something new

Me: if i hate it can we get taco bell?

Harry: that stuff isn't food for you

Me: are you calling me fat?

Harry: what? no!

Harry: i was just saying fast food isn't good to have

Me: you need to take jokes

Harry: that wasn't a joke Eve, i thought you thought i was calling you fat

Harry: jeSuS

Me: is that a yes to Taco Bell.

Harry: yes

Me: cool

Me: what time?

Harry: 7?

Harry: the place is more of a dress up type place

Me: ehhh okay

Harry: we don't have to go

Me: i wanna try the food rich people like

Harry: ....

Me: :)

Me: see you tomorrow night harold

Harry: stop calling me that

Me: sorry Mr. Styles

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