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Eve POV {flashback}

John rolls off of my body and he lays down beside me. My eyes zone back into reality and I wipe my damp eyes.

I sit up and so does John. His brown eyes look unamused and his face still remains tense. "Put on your clothes, I don't want to see your ugly body," He says while throwing my shirt and shorts at me.

I don't say anything. I just timidly put on the clothing I was once wearing and was once forced to take off. "Have you ever thought about investing in stretch mark cream? It's usually for pregnant women but you need it," John mentions to me. My face heats and my eyes sting.

"No, I never thought about it," I say in a low voice. I look back to John.

"Your stretch marks are gross, so get the cream. I'm tired of fucking you and looking at them," My eyes sting at his comment. "Put on a bra as well, you look fatter without one."

I get out of bed and kneel down to pick up my bra that was on the ground. I raise up my shirt a little and hear my boyfriend comment something to me.

"Face the other way. I don't like looking at you naked. There is a reason why I fuck you in the dark," His voice is cold and mean. Tears leave my eyes and I turn around and quickly put on my bra. "I'm telling you, you should lose thirty pounds."

"I'd weigh 112," I say to John.

"That's better than your weight now. I hate fucking a fat chick." He huffs tiredly.

I lay down on the mattress and face the opposite way. My doctors never told me I need to lose weight, they say I'm at a good range for my height and age. I figured that means I look fine and I'm healthy. By the way John talks to me, it sounds like I deserve to be on my 600 pound life.

"Eve?" I hear John say.


"Put on pants. I see the cellulite on your thighs," Tears run down my face and I close my eyes for a moment.

*End of Flashback*

I zone back into reality and look back at the TV. I'm on the couch watching Modern Family with a blanket wrapped around me for warmth.

Harry went out to get drinks with Liam tonight so it's just Doug and I.

I stroke my dogs fur and kiss the top of his head. It's Monday night and I might go to bed early. I'm tired and need energy for tomorrow's weekly meeting.

I turn off the TV and stand up from the couch. "Come on Doug lets go to bed," I speak to my Dog who's panting. We both walk to the bedroom and he lays down in the middle of the bed.

I change into my pyjama pants and a hoodie. I'm very cold today. After my quick change I climb into bed and turn off the lamp on my end of the mattress. I adjust my pillows and soon fall asleep.

Harry POV

"How are you and Sophia?" I ask Liam who sips his fourth beer.

"Good," He grins. "How are you and Eve?"

"Good, well, to me anyways. I don't know if she thinks we're good." I ramble briefly.

"Did you guys get into a fight again?"

"No, I just don't know how she views us," I say.

"Okay, then," Liam chuckles.

"Does Sophia ever feel insecure?"

"All the time man, she's a girl." I narrow my eyes at Liam.

"Not all girls are insecure," I say.

"Well, most then." Liam corrects with mocking eyes. "Why? Is Eve getting insecure?"

"She always was, I just don't know how to comfort her when she is." I say.

"In the moment just like hug her and stuff. But during the following week just always compliment her. Soon, she'll believe whatever you say and the world becomes okay," He finishes his beer and asks the waiter for another.

"Do you do that to Sophia?" I ask.

"Yeah, she always complains about how she wishes she had boobs and a butt or more curves. To make her feel better I've been trying to tell her that she has nice boobs and amazing body so she'll believe it; which she should." Liam explains to me.

"I'll try that," I say. I finish off the whiskey in my glass and ask for a refill from the waiter who is giving Liam his beer.

"What is Eve insecure about?"

"I don't know," I say honestly. "She doesn't complain about how she looks or what she wants to change. I can just see it in her eyes, or she becomes tense," I describe.

"I mean, she has a smoking body I don't know why she would want to change anything," Liam says causing my eyes to narrow at him.

"You checked out my girlfriend?"

"Yes," He says like it's obvious. "I'm a guy, I look."

"I don't look," I say.

"Well, you haven't fucked anyone in years, you don't count." Liam says with a smug smile. "And what's wrong with complimenting Eve?"

"You complimented her body. I don't want to know that you think she's hot," I say. "Would you like me to say Sophia has a smoking body?" I ask.

"The difference between Eve and Sophia is that Eve has visible curves and stuff. She can wear anything and you can see her boobs or her butt. Sophia, not so much. You can only see that stuff when she wears tight clothes or when she's naked. I've seen her naked, and I hope you haven't," Liam explains.

"Why did you just shit on your girlfriend?" I ask Liam with furrowed eyebrows.

"I didn't," He defends.

"You basically said there is nothing to her," I say.

"I did not," My friend protests. "And don't say there is nothing to my girlfriend."

"I didn't, I was just-" I pause and don't finish my sentence. I just shake my head and sip my drink. "Why don't we stop talking about their bodies?"

"Agreed," Liam nods. "Anyways, have you gotten any yet?"

"No, but we're starting to do stuff," I say.

"Before you have sex, watch some porn so you don't act like a dying fish while thrusting," I squint my eyes at Liam. "What? You're rusty. Porn may not be the greatest thing but you'll get a visual on how you should act."

"I'm already nervous enough as it is, thanks. Now I feel like I'm going to fuck like a dying fish," I huff. I lean back in the booth and sip my drink.

"Get condoms too. You don't want to ruin your chance with no protection," Liam pauses. "Why are you nervous?"

"Because I don't want it so suck," His head shakes.

"You're acting like a virgin." He observes.

"I feel like one. I forget everything," I say with a shrug. My friend laughs to himself causing my eyes to roll.


I get home around eleven. The apartment is all dark so I assume Eve is in bed sleeping. I hang up my jacket and place it in the closet.

I change into a different shirt and I go to bed in my boxers. I lay down beside Eve who is sound asleep and looks all cuddly. I smile at her a little and kiss her forehead then her cheek.

Her hazel eyes open a little then shut. Her head nuzzles into my chest and I rest my hand in her lower back. "Goodnight," I say in a whisper.

"Night," Eve says back to me in a yawn. I stroke her hair that is down and close my eyes against my girlfriend.

Soon I fall asleep.



Here's the second update as promised :)

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