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Harry POV

I wake up to my body being very warm.

My tired eyes open and I see I'm cuddled into Eve's back. My arm is around her waist and our legs are intertwined.

I'm trying to be a good boyfriend now. I should've before but I was scared. I still am, but I have to move on.

The reason why I only did small kisses with Eve was because I didn't want to find myself wanting to do more. I knew if I kissed her longer, I'd want to eventually do more with her than kiss. I can't get those feelings with a small kiss, so that's why I did it.

I've only been intimate with one person in my life and that was my ex wife. I liked that I married the person I lost my virginity to. But, now she's gone and I have to think about where I want my relationship to go with Eve. It's hard, but I'm trying. And I know small kisses isn't how I should kiss my girlfriend of six months. I'm just nervous to be connected to someone like that again, as stupid as that may sound.

I worry about Eve's lack of sleep. She sometimes can fall asleep easily and sometimes she doesn't fall asleep until three a.m. I hate seeing her totally drained and relying on coffee.

Like now, I don't want to wake her because I know in a few days she won't be able to fall asleep until late.

I kiss the side of her head and close my eyes for a moment. My front relaxes against her back and I let out a deep breath.

She moves around and turns her body around. Her sleeping self rests her head on my chest and moves her arm around me. Her leg goes across my lap as well. I smile softly and kiss the top of her head.

Tomorrow is our last day here and I'm scared to let Eve be by herself. The thought of her ex lingers around my head and makes me become angry.

I wonder how Eve left him. I don't think he would've let her go easily. I won't ask, I want her to forget about John and what he did to her.


I sit in the living room with my nephew Robbie. His eyes are on the TV.

Eve is upstairs getting changed still.

"Are you and Eve getting married?" My nephew asks. My eyes look at him.

"No." I snicker. "Tell your Mom to ask me things on her own." I ruffle his brown hair. He smiles.

"She didn't ask. I was curious."

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I don't want you to die alone."

"I'm not alone." I say.

"Mommy said money can't fill the void of things." He tells me.

"That's true." I murmur.

"Do you like Eve?"

"I do." I say.

"Do you love her?"

"I could one day." I say. His eyes narrow at me. "Do you like anyone Rob?"

"A girl named Harper in my class." He says. "She's very pretty."

"Does your Mom know?"

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