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I'm helping Harry pack up his daughters room.

His big house is all empty besides this one room he's been pushing off for weeks. Everything is in his new home. He just needs to do this and he'll be officially moved in. 

I pack her clothes as Harry packs her toys. We pack in silence, which is okay. I understand that he needs his time. 

Every once in a while I'll look at him to make sure he's okay. His eyes remain gloomy. When I first came over today I already knew he was sad. It was in his eyes despite the smile that was on his lips.

He decided to donate her stuff to Good Will, which is nice. 

"Need any help with the toys?" I ask Harry once I'm done with the clothes. I place the box on the floor outside the room. 

"Uh yeah." He says. She has a lot of different toys, which is cute. There are dolls, lego's, drawing stuff, blocks, etc. 

"What are you going to to with the desk?" I ask.

"When the guys from Good Will come they'll take the desk." His voice is low. I nod and put some stuffed animals away. "Can I have that one?" He asks timidly while pointing to the white bear. I nod and take it out of the box. I give it to Harry who just stares at it.

I see his green eyes well up making my own eyes sting. I hug him tightly and hear a sob escape from his lips. He hugs back tightly. I hate hearing him cry, it makes me sad. 

I can't imagine how hard this is for him. I wouldn't want to imagine it. 

We soon break away from our tug and he wipes his damp eyes. Hie breaths still remain uneven and sharp. 

"Why don't you go downstairs?" I offer to Harry. "There are only a few more things that I can pack away for you."

"I can't make you do that." He sniffles.

"I'm offering." I smile gently. I kiss his cheek. "I'll be done in ten minutes, tops." 

"Are you sure?" I nod. I can't see the lost look in his eyes anymore. I can't see him becomes even more lost and sad by packing up his daughter's things. 

Harry soon leaves the room. He takes the white bear with him. She must've liked that stuffed animal, it is a cute bear. 

I start packing up the rest of her things. While doing this I get lost in my own thoughts.


"I'm what?" I ask the doctor. My voice is low.

"You're pregnant. Congratulations." She says with a smile. 

"Oh." I say. My eyes look away from her's and to my hands. 

"If you don't want to keep the baby then of course you can get an abortion." 

"I-I don't know what I want." I say honestly. "How far along am I?"

"Two months." She informs me with a smile smile.

Maybe it would be different if this baby wasn't conceived from John touching me when I don't want to be touched. Maybe it would be different if this baby wasn't half me and John. My biggest thing is that this baby wasn't made out of love. It was made out of...rape. 

Telling John this, I know isn't going to be good.


I'm in the kitchen cleaning. I tend to clean when I'm nervous now. I hear footsteps come over to where I am making my hands become shaky.

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