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Harry POV {Senior Year of High School}

I sit in English bored as anything. My foot taps against the floor and my pencil taps against my desk.

I'm early today to class, which is odd. Usually I'm always late considering the class before this is on the opposite side of the school.

My best friend, Liam, sits behind me. He'll occasionally make fun of our teacher who talks really loud and is really annoying. All she does is lecture and give us busy work.

"Did you hear about the new girl?" I hear Liam whisper behind me.

"What new girl?" I question. I glance over my shoulder and look to Liam who looks to the door opening.

My eyes look a few moments later. A girl walks in. Her hair is pulled into a messy bun and she's wearing washed out blue jeans with black converse. Her shirt is maroon and is well fitting for her boy type. It hugs her sides making her curves visible as well.

Our teacher points to the seat beside me making me smile to myself. I turn around to Liam. A smug smile on my lips. "I don't like calling dibs, but dibs." His brown eyes roll back and our teacher starts talking again.

Occasionally I'll look at the new girl that I wish I knew the name of. Her bottom pink lip is between her teeth and her chocolate brown eyes are on the teacher, listening to whatever she's talking about.

I hope she's in my other classes.


As I wished, she's in some of my other classes. She's in my math, and history.

I still don't know her name. I take a deep breath and walk over to her at the end of the day. "Hello." I greet politely. Her eyes look to me and her head tilts.

"Hi." Her voice is sweet.

"I saw you're in some of my classes. I thought I should introduce myself. I'm Harry." I extend my hand out. She doesn't shake it, she just turns back around and grabs her stuff in her locker. I drop my hand to my side awkwardly.

"I'm Jane." She closes her locker and looks at me. Her eyes are still soft and her voice is sweet.

Jane is a pretty name.

She's a pretty girl so it matches.

"It's nice to officially meet you." I say. Her eyes narrow.


"Sure?" I question her answer.

"I mean, you could've introduced yourself in English when you first saw me, instead of glancing to me every so often. I guess you wanted to make a point to everyone that you're interested in me while standing close to my locker." My tongue pokes out of my cheek and I grin.

"You must've been looking at me at some point to see if I'm looking at you." I point out.

"You can tell when someone's staring. Photos last longer by the way." Jane hums making me smile. "Always, Harry. I gotta go home now."

"Nice meeting you, Jane."

"Sure." She turns her heel and walks away.

I already know I'm going to fall for her.



Small chapter on who Harry's past lover is ;)

I'm excited for you guys to know what happens to her


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