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Harry POV {Senior Year of High School}

It's been two weeks since I met Jane. I've managed to talk to her a few times but I haven't had a real conversation with her. I would like to talk to her, but whenever I do I don't ask the things I want. She intimidates me a little.

I see Jane at her locker Monday morning. She's wearing a sundress that falls to her mid thigh and compliments her well.

Tim, who's a semi friend of mine, stands beside her. A smile is on her mouth as well as his.

I watch them for a bit then turn away and walk to my locker. I'll talk to Jane later.


"Hello." I greet the new girl I've met.

"Hi." She replies. Her voice soft. She's scribbling down something on her notebook for English.

"How's your day?" I ask. My eyes look at her.

"Good until you started talking to me." A smirk goes on her pink lips.

"Nice joke. I tend to brighten up people's days."

"Does your Mommy tell you that?" The girl hums making me chuckle.

"Not the point." I murmur making her laugh.

At least I got the girl to laugh.

"When's your lunch?" I ask.

"5th, you?"

"5th." I reply.

"You haven't managed to stalk me there yet?" Jane remarks. I knew her lunch period, I just wanted to make conversation. She sits at a table with some other girls in our grade.

"I do not stalk you." I defend.

"I saw you this morning lurking near my locker." I bite my lip. Her brown eyes look to me. A small smile on her mouth. "So, what do you want?"

"What do I want?" I question.

"Yes. What do you want? It's been two weeks and you still wander around me like a lost little boy."

"I'm just being polite and talking to you."

"Sure." The girl hums.

"We should be friends." I come up with.

"Why?" She chuckles. She stops writing and swings around in her seat to look at me. I notice the little beauty marks that rest on her face and small sun freckles that rest under her eyes. Her face has no make up on, which I find attractive.

"Because, you seem interesting to know. And I want a new friend." I come up with.

"Fine." She says simply.


"Yeah, fine. We're friends." My eyebrows furrow and a small smile goes on her pink lips.

"Can I have your number then?"

"Will you give out my number to people I don't know?"

"No." I say.

"Will you send me nudes with out my asking?"

"No." I laugh.

"Fine. She takes her pencil that's on her desk and writes her number on my paper. "Don't spam my phone unless we're having a conversation."

"Will do." I murmur.

Take that Tim.



Bare with me with the chapter lengths :/

Comment goal: 20???

Tysm for reading


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