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Harry POV {Senior Year of High School}

Today's the day I'm just going to tell Jane that I like her.

I've been thinking about it for two weeks now. The more her and Tim the more I become sick and I push my feelings to the side. I assume that since she's talking to Tim, she doesn't like me. That's my excuse to not telling her how I feel.

But I don't care anymore. I'm always told I'm an honest person anyways, so I'll just be honest with her now.

I'm by her locker. She's grabbing her things for the periods after lunch.

Jane is wearing her usual washed out blue jeans that are ripped at the knee. They aren't folded by her ankles, which is new. It's probably because it's cold out, yet she's wearing ripped jeans. Her shirt consists of a grey sweater that's loose fitting around her body. Her hair is down which is nice. Her shoes consist of white converse that are worn out. She makes it work though, in my opinion.

"You're quite today." Jane says in a questionable voice. Her chocolate brown eyes look up at me.

"I am?" I ask. She nods with a slight chuckle.

"What's up?" Jane asks curiously. She closes her locker and stands up.

Before I could answer a voice cuts me off. "Hey lovely." Tim says to Jane. She just smiles gently. My blood boils.

I bite down on my jaw and do something I would have never thought I would do.

I grasp Jane's cheeks and kiss her. Yes, I did this because of Tim, but hey, at least now I don't have to ramble on how I like her and look like an idiot.

I pull away from her lips that taste like strawberry and look to Tim who has slightly wide eyes like Jane. "See you at lunch." I say softly. I walk away and hear her call my name behind me.

I ignore her shouts until I feel her hand pull my wrist back. I stop and turn around to the girl who I kissed. My hand runs through my hair.

"What was that?" Her brown eyes look into mine.

"A kiss." Her eyes roll at me.

"I know that Harry." Jane says.

"I like you." I blurt out. Her brown eyebrow raises at me.

"I know, I like you too."

"No, I mean I like you." I clarify.

"I know. I like you too." I poke my tongue through my cheek.


"Really? You're obvious." I smirk slightly. "I was waiting until you said something."

"Then why were you talking to me about Tim?" I ask curiously.

"I was hoping that would speed up the process." Jane admits making me laugh and smile. A small grin curves on her kissable pink lips that I want to touch again.

I move closer to her. "You did it in a very classy way, by the way." I snicker at her joke.

"It was in the moment thing."

"I bet. Or like a jealous thing." I laugh and the girl in front of me grins.

"Would you like to go on a date tomorrow?"

"I don't know, I'll think about it." I scoff making her grin. She smile is wide and makes her eyes squint slightly. I love her smile.

"Pick me up at six." Jane hums. I nod and lean in. My hands rest on her waist and my lips kiss her's. She kisses back this time making my body tingle and melt.

I finally have my dream girl. She's everything I pictured in a girlfriend.

We soon pull away from each other. She smiles at me making my insides heat up.

I don't think it's normal that I'm already in love with her. Maybe it's because over our friendship I started loving her the way friends shouldn't. I could honestly say it right now to Jane and not care because I mean it.

"I'm hungry. Lets get to lunch." She says. I chuckle to myself at her wining playfully. We head to the cafeteria and I lock my hand with her's.

As I imagined, her hand is soft and nice to hold. I like how her hand fits with mine, almost like we were meant to be.

She nudges my shoulder making me grin to myself.



I hope the past chapters with Harry aren't dreadful to read. Soon it will lead to what happened :)

Tysm for 8k reads !!

Comment goal: 30?????

Next chapter will be an Eve POV (I'm thinking about changing her to someone else in the cast) comment some people who you think should play her besides Barbara... sorry to those who want to be reminded of May hahaha


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