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It's Friday morning and I'm awake at five a.m.

My sleeping issues are slowly coming back. I didn't fall asleep until two this morning.

I sip my coffee and look at Doug who's on the floor. His paws are in the air and I lean down and rub his tummy.

I feel like Harry and I should have joint custody of Doug. I know he got me him as a gift but I know Doug loves Harry.

I lean back on my couch and let out a deep breath.

Tomorrow is the Gala that I got invited to by Liam. Liam also informed me I got picked as the intern to stay.

I feel guilty for getting this position. I almost feel as if I don't deserve it. Harry didn't announce that I am staying, Liam and Mr. Horan did. Harry was in his office the whole time doing whatever.

Speaking of Harry I don't know how the Gala will turn out for us. I don't know if it will be awkward or not. Maybe we won't even each other.

I miss him though.

Even if he didn't act the best boyfriend, he still was kind to me and made me feel safe through the whole John fiasco.

I don't feel as safe in this apartment as I did at Harry's. Maybe it's because he was there with me and I wasn't alone. I don't know anymore, all I know is that I hate this break but we need it.

Since I got the full time position at the publishing office, I don't need to work at the diner anymore. My hours are 8:30 to 6 o'clock, Monday through Friday. The pay is well; I get paid 17.50 an hour. This job also has benefits. Before I'd always have to pay out of pocket for my medical and dental.

I stand up from my couch and put my empty mug in the sink. I'll rinse it out later.

I return back to my room and lay down on my mattress that isn't made up. My head rests on a pillow closest to me and I look at the side Harry would usually sleep on.

I miss hearing him snore a little through the night and waking up to his body pressed against mine.

I always liked the thought that I went to bed safe with him. I didn't have to worry about waking up to water being poured on me because I didn't clean something, and I didn't have to worry about being touched in the middle of the night.

I'm trying my best to remain happy though. I try to smile and act as if nothing has happened. I only do that because I don't like people asking me what's wrong or am I alright. So I just smile and pretend for a while that I'm okay. Maybe that's not the best thing I should do, but I've been doing it for years.


Today is my last day being treated like an intern.

Today's my last day giving Harry his things for the morning and evening.

I've grown used to his position, I don't know what I will do now, as odd as that sounds.

I slowly walk over to his desk and see his eyes peer up at me. He remains silent but he just stares at me.

His face is soft and tired looking. His eyes give away that he's tired. His features are a little more soft than usual and his eyes have small circles under them. His pink lips are chapped a little and they're not as soft looking as they usually are. I'm tempted to ask if he's been drinking enough water, but I don't. I just hand over his things for the morning.

Harry says a muffled "thank you" and looks back down at his computer.

I ignore the fact that his hand brushed over mine while grabbing the files. I don't want to think about how I miss holding his hand or being touched by him.

"Can you tell Nate to come by my office?" Harry asks me before I leave.

"Will do." I reply. I shut the office door behind me and let out a deep breath.

I walk over to Nate's desk and tell him what I'm told to.


I'm home now.

There is a thunderstorm outside and Doug is scared. His body is nuzzled onto my lap and his head hides in between my thighs.

I smile at my dog and rub his ears.

Nate got offered a position at the office. It's a position that pays 22.40 an hour.

I'm happy for Nate. If I'm being honest I don't know why they're keeping me at the office. I haven't done anything amazing or memorable. I'm glad he got a position though, I'd feel worse if I knew he just got fired in the end.

A loud bang of thunder startles Doug and I. His head digs into me more and I frown. I don't like him scared.

My phone dings and I reach to get it.

Harry: if Doug is scared, usually wrapping him around in a blanket and holding him helps.

Me: good to know, I'll try that , thanks

Harry: yep

I don't know what else to say, so I don't respond. I don't want to start a conversation when we're supposed to be giving each other distance.

I don't like this break. I don't know how long this break will last or if we will even be a couple out of this.

I'll try not be paranoid, even though all my thoughts are doubts.


Smaller chapter but next one should be longer

Does anyone want a photo of Eve's dress for the Gala?

Of this gets hmmmmmmmmmmm 60 comments I'll update again today :)


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