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The next morning I wake up with small kisses on my face. My tired eyes open and I see Harry hovered over me with a grin. His lips touch my cheek then the nip of my neck. "Good morning," He hums against my skin.

"Morning," I say through a chuckle.

"Happy 25th birthday," My boyfriend says. His green eyes look into mine and his hands hold mine.

"Thank you," I say with a gentle grin. His body is between my legs and his lips lean down and kisses my cheek. "What time is it?"

"Nine," Harry answers.

"Wow, you let me sleep past seven." I say causing him to chuckle.

"I told Anna to come make breakfast around ten, because I wanted you to sleep in and you usually wake up at eleven without an alarm," I laugh a little and smile. My hands rest on his sides and I kiss his cheek.

"I'm going to take a shower," I say with a yawn. "Then I'll feed Doug,"

"I already fed and walked him," Harry informs me with a smug smile.

"Where is he now?" I ask.

"In the living room with a bone," A twitching smile curves on his pink lips. His hands that were once intertwined with mine run down my sides and rest on my hips.

My eyes look back into his and a grin still remains causing me to chuckle. "Let me go to the bathroom, okay?"

Harry nods and rests beside me so I can leave our mattress so I can pee. I also have morning breath and want to brush my teeth.

When I return to our bedroom I see Harry on his phone typing. His eyebrows are narrowed down as well. "Doing emails already?" I question him.

"No, it's my sister telling me to tell you Happy Birthday from her and her family," He locks his iPhone and places it on the nightstand. I sit back down on our mattress and look to Harry who's looking at me.

"Tell her I said thank you," I say.

"Will do," He grins a little.

"How long will it take for us to not be awkward with each other?" I ask my boyfriend who chuckles.

"A while," He grins. His head tilts into mine and his lips kiss me. My hands rest on his back and his hands cup my cheeks firmly. The warmth of his hands cause my body to tingle.

Harry's lips soon travel down to my neck causing my head to tilt to the side. This allows him more access to my skin.

This isn't a bad way to start off my morning.


After Harry and I both took a shower, we sat down in the kitchen for breakfast. Anna made waffles with eggs for breakfast. She also said Happy Birthday to me, which I thought was nice.

It's currently noon and I'm sitting on the couch in the living room.

"You keep looking at the clock," Harry says to me with a slight chuckle.

"My Dad usually calls on my birthday at eleven every year. It's odd, I know. But he's been acting a little off lately. Should I call to make sure he's okay?" I ask my boyfriend. I'm worried about him not being okay.

"I'm sure he's fine, but if you want to double check you can." He tells me. I nod and grab my phone that is on the end table beside me.

I dial my Father's number and he picks up on the third ring. "Hello?" A voice says. It's a woman's voice that makes my eyebrows narrow.

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