Your World is Crazy (Natasha Romanoff x reader)

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You hadn't seen Natasha Romanoff in years; not since the last day at SHIELD Academy when you packed your bags and said goodbye for the last time. Despite being roommates and friends for so long, it was an impossibility to remain friends after that day, both of you leaving on separate missions that would pull you apart for too long. You had convinced yourself that you would never see her again, but suddenly here you were, your team working with the Avengers, side by side to take down Hydra once and for all on the biggest mission anyone had ever been a part of.

You had seen her almost immediately when you arrived on the scene but did your best to avoid her, knowing that you were being asked to use your powers of intangibility here; it was a secret that you had kept from her for as long as you had known her. It was a secret that very few had known; mutants weren't exactly widely accepted yet, even in the world of SHIELD and enhanced people.

"Director," you asked Fury quietly, turning him away from Natasha's line of sight, "I was wondering if I might ask a...favor?"


"I would appreciate if you could keep Nat occupied when I go in? Maybe assign her elsewhere?"

Nick looked at you suspiciously and a crooked grin crossed his lips, "why? Old girlfriend or something?"

"No," you snapped, with a firm hit to his bicep, "old roommate. She doesn't know what I'm about to do, and I'd prefer to keep it that way."

"Hmm, well, that's to bad, agent. She's your cover."


The Captain was standing at the center of the large group, directing the team and assigning their tasks when it finally came to you and Natasha, who was standing at his side and had yet to see you. "Agent (Y/L/N), Romanoff will be your cover to get you to the center of the facility where the data is being held. Once inside that room, you need to gather everything you can and set these charges to blow as fast as you can. As soon as they know you're in there, they'll call in everything to focus on you, and we want you out before that happens. Any questions?"

"Yeah, I have one," Clint said with a raise of his hand, "if she can just storm through walls, why do we need to even be here?"

Natasha's head snapped towards you, finally making eye contact with a look of shock and a bit of confusion. "Storm through walls?"

"As excellent of a question as that may be, Barton, and I can see where you're going with this," Steve smiled politely, "but the room is at the center, as I said. She kind of has to get to the walls we need her to storm through. Hence the cover that Nat's going to provide while we handle the rest of them."

"Thanks," Clint snickered, "you don't have to be such a snot about it."

You leaned in close to Fury and lowered your voice to a near-whisper, "is this what you have to deal with all of the time?"

"Sweetheart, you have no idea. You haven't even met Stark yet."


With Natasha at your side, you both fell into your rhythm of working together fairly quickly after a few bumps along the way, forgetting to call out your hits and getting into each other's way here and there. Overall, getting to your target went smoother than you had expected. Once at the final point before you moved in alone, she finally took a minute to ask the inevitable question.

"You hid this from me the whole time? You're a mutant? Why didn't you tell me that? We were best friends!"

"Not now, Nat, please. This takes a little bit of energy and I need to focus." Closing your eyes for just a second, you pushed through the heavy metal door as if it were air with no resistance at all; despite its density you still heard Natasha gasp on the other side.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me!" You heard a few gunshots before she continued, "that's kind of a big thing, you know!"

"I'm sorry!" you yelled back as you worked, clearing out their database while you set the charges to take out the entire system. "Can we argue about this later?"

"No! With a power like that, you should be an Avenger! I can talk to Steve!"

You froze in place for a moment, a cold fear running up your spine. That would only draw more attention to you that you didn't want; world-focus kind of attention. The kind that you had spent your life avoiding. "Yeah, no thanks! Your world is crazy! Too crazy for me!"

A loud barrage of gunfire stared that made you hesitate, but you were already running out of time. Moving as fast as you could so that you could help, you set the last few explosives and grabbed your weapon, finally pushing back through the wall into a war zone that Natasha was fighting all on her own.

"I could use a little help! I think they know you were in there!"

The numbers were easily three-to-one against you, pushing you back with each surge. "Can we get back-up in here?" you called out through your comm, but realizing that you would soon be out of time to wait for them. You could project your intangibility to objects you were carrying, but you had never gone beyond inanimate objects; you never projected to another person. But now you couldn't take the risk any longer and wrapped your arm around Natasha's waist, holding your breath and pulling her through the wall with you. You landed with a hard thud on the other side as the jolt knocked you both over.

"What just happened?" she gasped, pulling herself up from the floor and grabbing your arm to help you. "You didn't know if that would work, did you?"

"I immediately regret this," you groaned, looking around the room. "Nat, we have like, a minute and a half to get the hell outta here, and I don't know if I'm strong enough to pull us all the way through the building."

She paused for a moment, then nodded her head with resolve, grabbing your hand and yanking you across the small room to the nearest wall. "Okay, so pull me as far as you can. If you have to stop, you go without me."

"Well that's just stupid."

"No, that's what we're doing." She gave your hand a firm squeeze and smiled coyly, "and when we make it, I am talking to Steve."

A loud beeping began from one of the charges, followed by another and another; before you could answer her you yanked her through the wall just as the first explosive erupted. "Shit," you gasped, "that was too close." Rushing forward, you took the two of you through the next two walls, having a chance to take a breath before the final and thickest one to get outside. The sounds of Hydra guards were growing louder by the second and the decision had to be made.

"Can you do it?" she asked urgently. "If not, you go."

"Like hell," you panted, bending forward to rest your hands on your knees, taking in as much air as you could to try to gather strength. "We're doing this." You stood and grabbed her hand one more time, smiling at the hesitation on her face. "You scared?"

"Are you?"

She wasn't asking about your power; you could see that she was asking a completely different question all together. "I'm not scared. I'm...apprehensive."

She suddenly dropped your hand and crossed her arms, despite the yells of enemy teams approaching behind her. "If we make it, we talk to Steve. Otherwise we take this the hard way and probably die. Totally up to you, though. No pressure."

"Are you kidding me? Nat, this isn't the time!"

She held her ground, waiting for your reply. With a small yelp and a squeal from the hardened assassin, you grabbed her waist and pushed her through first with a forceful shove, ensuring that she would land hard on the other side just to make your point. If she was insistent, then you would be sure she knew that you didn't like it. As if the universe had a plan, and as if the plan were a cruel joke, the two of you landed at Steve's feet, nearly taking him down with you.

"Hey, Steve," Nat smiled from beneath you, her expression filled with a victorious attitude, "I got you something."  

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