My Biggest Mistake (Barnes/Romanoff/Rogers x reader)

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Warning: Infidelity, some language

You should have known.

"See, (Y/N)," you muttered to yourself as you hurried down the long hallway back to your room, "this is what you get when you trust people. You're so goddamn stupid." You could feel the lump in your throat beginning to steal your air, and the stinging pain of your emotions threatened to choke your words with each one spoken. Your eyes burned from both the unforgettable sight that they had just taken in, and from your determination to hold back the tears that were inevitable, but you just had to make it a little bit further before you could let it all go; one more corner and you'd be at the room you shared with Bucky, and it could all finally fall apart behind closed doors. "Oh, son of a bitch," you cursed under your breath at the sound of heavy feet making their way closer from the other side of the last turn that you needed to make.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Steve smiled widely at the sight of you, but his glee quickly dropped away when he really looked beyond the quick greeting. You could usually hide your feelings well enough to keep people out when you wanted them out, but this cut was just too deep and you were failing miserably. "What's wrong? What happened?" he asked with full concern, reaching out with a supportive hand that you slapped away with a loud crack against his skin and all of the fury that you were trying to save for your true target.

"Did you know?"

"Did I...? Did I know what?"

"Don't bullshit me, Rogers," you hissed, now finding that keeping your tears held in was a lost battle. "Did you know?"

"(Y/N), I don't-" Steve began to explain, but he was abruptly halted when Bucky appeared in his view behind you, making his way cautiously down the hall as if he were filled with fear at your catching sight of him. "No, doll, I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm gonna need you to tell me right now."

"All you need to know, Steve, is that having friends is a waste of time, and all it does is trick you into thinking that people care about you. You should remember that the next time you think that your best friend gives a shit about anything that happens to you. I was a fool in opening myself up and thinking that I could trust her...or him...and now..." you began to pant, feeling as if your chest were being crushed from every direction, "now I can't imagine staying here another minute. Excuse me." You pushed him aside, thankful that he allowed you to when he easily could have blocked your attempt, hurrying almost frantically to get into your room when you heard the first note of Bucky's voice.

"FRIDAY, lock the door," you commanded, pressing your ear against the barrier to listen to the two men as they met on the other side of it, grimacing at the sound of their tones growing angrier and louder with each passing word.

"What did you do, Buck?"

"I screwed up! It was an accident, I swear! All I did was kiss her!"

"You kissed who?"


"Oh, Buck, come on! How do you call that an accident? It's really hard to fall right on someone's lips, and since I'm pretty sure that you don't wear lipstick, it looks like you kept them there for a good while. How are you this stupid? How could you do something like this to (Y/N)?"

"Steve, it was a mistake! I need to tell her that I'm sorry-"

You backed away from the door when his footsteps began again and grew louder on his approach, looking around the room as if you were actually considering hiding from him when he knew full well that you were in there. "FRIDAY, keep him out."

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