Mild Swearing
"You should stay home today," Pietro whined, watching you put on your uniform as he sat on your bed, leaning back on his elbow casually. Even though his body was unmoving, his eyes couldn't stop searching you. "All you ever do anymore is work."
"Says the Avenger," you smirked. "Your argument is really weak, Piet. You know that you're gone just as much as I am, and I don't say anything about it. It's the nature of our jobs, love. We go when we're called."
"Yes, but I don't work with someone that I was once intimate with. I don't like that."
Sliding the final strap through your belt, you turned and leaned against your dresser with a frustrated groan, in total disbelief that he would bring this up again, after having had the same discussion so many times that you'd lost count. "One more time, Pietro. One more time am I going to tell you that I don't feel anything for him anymore and he doesn't feel anything for me. We didn't exactly split on the best terms. I'm sure he's glad to be rid of me."
"Hey, dumbass, where are you going?"
"I thought maybe I should drop a few of these guards? You know, so we could actually get inside of the building to do our job?" he snapped back in a heavily sarcastic tone. "Or did you have some other grand idea? Because I recall that I was put in charge of this mission."
You raised your ICER and easily incapacitated two of the men, ready to take aim at the third when Hunter raised his own and finished him off before you had the chance. "Competitive much?" you scoffed, returning your weapon to its holster, "compensating for a shortcoming?"
"You know that's not true, darling. No short anything here."
"That's lovely. I'm sorry that I brought it up," you grimaced, running past him but stopping short when you realized that he wasn't following. "Problem? Scared? What?"
"Why do you think the Director put us together on this?"
"One of two reasons, Hunter. Either he's punishing me for something that I don't remember doing, or it's something much more sinister," you paused, turning to give him a complacent grin. "He thinks he can push us back together. I swear he was always more invested in this relationship than either of us were."
"Speak for yourself. I prefer it to be the latter," he mumbled under his breath as he now ran past, leaving you with your mouth agape and shock holding you in place. "Oh, don't look at me like that, (Y/N). You must have thought about it? We were good in a lot of ways."
"We were bad in a lot more. Look, can we just focus and get the hell outta here?"
He nodded, slightly defeated, now moving with you towards your intended target. "Stop," he said harshly and grabbed your arm, "I hear something." After a moment of standing in almost complete silence, hearing nothing other than the sounds of your own breathing, you pulled away to take the lead. "You take the left and I'll-"
A firm slap to your backside left you completely taken aback, unable to will yourself to move after him when he took off to take his position with a wide grin crossing his features. Now you had no idea what he could have been thinking, using this opportunity to mess with your head; you even more so wondered how Coulson could have thought that this would ever be a good idea. Right now, that would all have to wait until you could get the job done; you moved to follow but gasped when Hunter was knocked to the ground by an unseen assailant.
"What the hell was that?!" he snapped, looking around him frantically. "Did you see anything?"
"Dammit," you groaned, holding your place with your hands resting on your hips and your eyes quickly scanning the area around you for the hope of seeing him; or at least that familiar silver streak as it passed you. "Maximoff, get over here right now!" you whispered angrily, trying to get his attention and not be caught at the same time. "I am so gonna kick your ass!"
"Only after I am done with this one," Pietro replied, coming to a fast halt in front of you with his back to you, watching Hunter with a fire in his eyes that challenged him to come anywhere near his girlfriend. "You are either very brave, or very stupid. You will not touch her again, are we understanding each other?"
Hunter stood slowly and brushed the dirt and broken leaves from his clothes sharply and with swift swipes while he kept his eyes on you and Pietro with a cautious yet angry glare. "I'm sorry, mate, who are you exactly?"
"That's not of your concern, mate," Pietro spat at him, "your only concern is to leave her alone."
"Well I think that would be up to her to decide if I'm here or not, wouldn't you agree?"
"Boys, I am standing right here..."
"Yeah, we can hear you," Hunter interrupted snidely with a dismissive hand raised towards you, "just hold on, sweetheart."
"Don't call her that, she's not your sweetheart."
While the two men stood nearly nose-to-nose now, you took it upon yourself to complete the mission as assigned, with or without your partner who was now fully embroiled in a childish pissing match to see who was the rightful winner of your attentions, when you now wanted neither. It was harder than you could have anticipated to finish alone, but you decided that you would readily do it again if it meant the same respite from their arguing that you were now enjoying. Sitting off in the distance where you could still see them in case it came to blows, you took your phone from your pocket to call in your status.
"Director, the job's finished."
"That was faster than I had planned," Phil replied with a smile in his voice. "How did it all go?"
"Don't you try to sound all innocent too. I know what you were up to, Coulson, and it didn't work. All it did was make Pietro follow me...and...oh, that's just great, now the two of them are about to start swinging at each other."
"Do you need to go stop them?"
"Nah," you sighed, leaning back against the large tree that gave you the perfect vantage point of the two men, "it's been a while since I've had a good laugh."

Imagine If You Assembled The Avengers: Volume 2
FanficA collection of reader insert ( x reader) imagines/one-shots/fics of the Avengers and a few other Marvel characters. FYI: The reader dies in a couple of them, and in my universe, Steve swears yes, language. As per usual, I own n...