Accidents Will Happen (Stark/Avengers x reader)

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"Since when do we go with full gear in practice?" Sam grumbled, giving Steve a sideways glare with the final snaps of his chest piece. "Something tells me that this is gonna get bumpy."

"I like that choice of words," Steve concurred, "because that's all we've been doing anymore since we brought everyone back together. The last three missions have been nothing but fumbles and missed opportunities because we keep getting into each other's way. We need to sharpen up again and stop bumping into each other."

"We don't need the gear for that, Steve."

"I figure if we practice with it on, we'll be more realistic and hit our marks. Now," the Captain paused, lowering his tone as he read from his tablet, "let's start with (Y/N), Sam, Clint, and Wanda on the first round."

More muttered curses under his breath came from Sam as he passed by you, shaking his head that the group had been reduced to remedial training after having been the world's sharpest team for so long. Steve was right, however; since the day that his group had returned to the compound from Wakanda, things were definitely bumpy, as if each teammate had become too accustomed to isolation. The remaining team members stood steady along the wall of the training room, each of them waiting to be called in by the Captain, but with watchful eyes on your group so that they could maybe re-learn what not to do if you screwed this up.

It could never be said that you wasted time doing exactly that, if nothing else.

One misguided step twisted your body the wrong way, pushing you into Clint with a hard shove, just missing knocking Wanda to the ground, but as the archer side-stepped to make way for you, Sam turned abruptly with his wings fully spread, slamming into you and lifting you from the ground. Your body turned in mid-air, making you land on your shoulder with a crunching slam that echoed throughout the room. Even with the cry of pain that you let out, you could hear the gasps from the team around you just seconds before you hit, as if they could see what was about to happen.

"(Y/N)!" Tony called out first, stepping from his suit to hurry to your side. "Sweetheart, don't move, I'm calling for help." You and Tony had been together as a couple before the division of the team began with the signing of the Accords, and each day apart had left him filled with both regret and fear that he might never see you again. Now that you were back home, he was pretty much back to his usual self with you at his side, and to see you in pain as he had in some of his worst nightmares while you were separated, it was immediately almost too much for him.

"Don't worry, I don't think I can," you agreed. You shifted your weight ever so slightly, causing a radiating fire from the joint and all the way down your arm and into your fingers. You barely moved, and it threw you into a blinding pain that left you seeing stars in your darkening vision. "Tony, I think...this feels bad."

Within those few seconds that it had taken the whole accident to happen, Sam had shed the wing pack from his uniform and hurried over to you, repeating his apologies with each step taken. For as many times as he begged your forgiveness, you tried to reassure him that it was an accident, though Tony was much less generous with his replies.

"(Y/N), you're gonna be okay, right? I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there."

"Step back," Tony replied for you, his hand thrust out to hold Sam away.

"Stark, I swear, it was an accident."

"Well we sure as hell don't want another one. Back off before I knock your ass into next week." He held his cold glare at Sam for a moment, waiting for the rebuttal that never came, satisfied that he had clearly made his point before turning back to you. When his eyes met yours, the anger was completely washed away, now filled with that familiar anxiety that you knew was just beginning to ravage his mind and body. "Do you think that I can lift you?"

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