You Do It (Rogers/Wilson/Barton/Stark x reader)

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You had been at the hospital for only ten minutes, and Steve was already in a full-blown panic, breathing far too quickly, wringing his hands together until they stung and his skin was rubbed to the threat of tearing under the strain. The nurses were settling you into your room for the delivery of yours and Steve's first child, and only now did it become clear to the man that this was actually going to happen. He had been in an oblivious state of excitement and wonder over the last nine months, never once stopping to allow the reality in, and now that it was practically slapping him in the face, he was scared to death.

"Dude, you need to sit down," Sam warned, "because none of us are gonna try to catch you if you pass out. You weigh a damn ton."

"I can't sit down, Sam. They're going to call for me soon...and I have to go in there...I have to go..." he stammered, his eyes focused on the door to your room as he paced, "they're gonna expect me to help, aren't they?"

"Yeah, pretty sure they will. Didn't you guys take a class on this stuff a while back?"

"Uh, yeah, we did...but I pissed off (Y/N) because I kept footballing the baby mannequin around the room. I might have missed a few things."

Tony's laugh filled the room around them, but was quickly silenced when Clint slapped his arm with a sharp hit. When your water had broken at the compound and you told Steve that it was time to go, it was as if a tornado began to swirl inside of the building, leaving the three men at his side now to take control when the normally composed Captain had completely lost his. Even as contractions began, you were calmer than he was, and found yourself being the one to support him more than he was needed for you; at least not yet. Now that things were moving along, he realized who the stronger partner in your relationship was, and it wasn't him.

"Oh, there's gonna be blood," Steve continued to grumble under his breath, still staring at your door, "and needles, and nurses running around..."

Clint was the first to sense how truly terrified Steve was, when the others still carried a little amusement at his hesitation. Having been in this same position three times now, he recognized it straight away. "That's how hospitals work, Cap," Clint tried to reassure, standing to move to his friend's side with a supportive hand on his shoulder. "Hey, are you gonna be okay?"

Steve's body relaxed slightly at the gesture, finally turning to look at Clint and lowering his voice so that the others didn't hear, "I don't know, Clint.'s know how I feel about hospitals...but when I get in there, (Y/N) is expecting me to be strong and to support her."


"I don't know if I can see her in pain, Barton. When she screams at me that it's all my fault, I'm going to agree. They say that most women yell that at their husbands."

"How do you know? You didn't pay attention in class."

"Shut up, Tony, you're not helping," Clint scolded, turning back to Steve. "What can I do, Cap?"

Steve had never really stopped to appreciate the kind of guy that Clint Barton was until now; with a quick recollection of their friendship, it became blatantly clear in a matter of seconds that Clint was always eager to take on anything that Steve had asked of him, and no matter which of their teammates needed him, he was somehow always there. He made a mental note to formally thank him when this was all done, but for now, his eyes widened at his idea that he hoped Barton would buy into.

"You do it."

"Me do what?"

"You go in there for me," Steve smiled, his eyes so full of hope that Barton almost said yes just as a reaction. "Do some of that Team Cap stuff."

"Oh, hell no, Steve," Clint backed away, hands up to deter the man from pushing, "you couldn't pay me to go in there. This is your wife and your kid. I did my time, man."

"Captain Rogers? We're ready for you," came a gentle voice from the doorway to your room; it was the sound that Steve was dreading, but now that the moment was here, he couldn't think of a single excuse to get out of it.

"Oh, god," he groaned, wiping his hands over his face with a deep breath to try to soothe his nerves. He ran a quick hand through his hair and squared his shoulders, deciding that he would go into the room as Cap, and not as Steve. Maybe he could trick his brain into cooperating if nothing else.

"Good luck!"

"Tell her we love her!"

"Don't be a pussy!"

"Tony, stop it!"

Steve barely managed to turn back with a wave of dismissal to his friends, closing the door behind him with a shaky hand that didn't go unnoticed. The trio began to feel hopeful as each minute passed by and they hadn't seen a frantic Captain run from the room and no emergency alarms had sounded yet. Clint had settled into one of the couches with a magazine, Tony was immersed in his phone, and Sam had made the decision to brave the cafeteria just as their sense of security fell apart with a loud crash from your room. They were about to charge in to see what had happened when a nurse poked her head from the door, her cheeks red in secondary embarrassment for the man at her feet.

"Excuse me? Captain Rogers is on the floor and we can't move him, if one of you could maybe help?"

"I'm on it," Clint offered, "nothing in there that I haven't seen before."

"Told ya," Tony laughed, snapping the best picture of Clint dragging Steve across the room that he could despite the barrier in the way. "You guys thought I was just picking on him, but who's laughing now, huh?"


"Oh, no. No, no, no," Sam startled at the scream of your voice, "I wasn't the designated back-up! Why is she yelling for me?"


"You guys, I'll be on the floor faster than Cap!"

"Get in there, boy," Tony urged, grabbing his arm and all but dragging him through the door, "she wants you, so scoot." He gave Sam a firm shove into the room and pulled the door tightly shut, holding it so that his teammate couldn't escape and smiling to himself that he was now the only one on that side of the barrier. It was a short-lived celebration however, when the promised thud of Sam hitting the floor reverberated through the room behind him and his wide smile immediately dropped.


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