From the Top (Stark x reader)

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"You have some nerve, you know that? When I come to you for help on one little thing, you can't give me the time of day. But when you need me, I had better be there, ready and waiting!"

"I have some nerve? What about you? How do you get off talking to your own father like that?"

"I have a strong desire to intervene," Thor whispered, peeking around the corner of the kitchen and into the common room of the tower. "This is escalating into an uncomfortable situation rather quickly and I've left Mjolnir in there."

Steve shook his head from behind his newspaper, "I'm pretty sure that neither of them can lift it, big guy. We've proven that Tony can't, so genetics probably play into (Y/N) not being able to either."

"What the hell happened? They were fine just twenty minutes ago."

"Not sure, Clint. Maybe you should skip on out there and ask." Steve finally lowered the paper, smiling and waving his hand towards the door. "Go on, ya big chicken. Get in there."

"Seriously, dad, if you're trying to make me hate you, you're doing a fine job! I didn't like you all that much before, and this just takes it to a whole new level. You've never been there for me, and I'm almost angrier at myself for thinking that you could change!"

"What do you mean that I've never been there for you? When your mom died I stepped up, gave you everything you ever needed or wanted! I gave you the best home that I could!"

"A home?! A home?! Oh my god, do you even feel anything for me other than as a dependent that you have to provide for because you're stuck? You gave me a home, but it was cold and lonely and you were never there! You still aren't, and now you're nothing more than a sperm donor to me!"

"Oh, she didn't..." Natasha gasped, lifting her hand to cover her gaping mouth.

"She sure did," Steve chuckled quietly, "she sure did. Pretty creative if you ask me."

Thor turned to look back at the Captain with surprise, unsure of why he was so calm about the war that was erupting just next door. "You certainly appear to be amenable to this behavior, Steve. Of all of us, I was expecting that you would be the one to take first action."

"This isn't our concern, Thor," Steve sighed, finally folding his paper and resolving that he would be unable to enjoy it until things settled down. "Until we hear them breaking anything or each other, we stand down."

"I'm moving out. I can't stand to live here with you even one more minute."

"Fine with me. But if you leave now, just know that you won't be welcomed back. I'm not about to let this behavior go without consequences."

"I'm not about to let your behavior go either, dad. One day when you're old and on your deathbed, you'll think back to this moment. You'll see just how many people you've pushed away, and you'll die alone and filled with regrets."

"And it won't be any of your concern. Would you like help packing?"

"Steve, come on, we have to do something," Natasha urged. "Go out there and stop her. Do that Captain America crap and talk some sense into them!"

"Fine," he huffed, pushing his chair back with a sharp hit of his foot and a loud scrape across the floor. He stopped at the threshold between the two rooms and paused, watching you and Tony standing closer together and now talking much more quietly. When he finally approached, the two of you were cordial and actually smiling at each other.

"Well, Cap, what did you think?"

"I think she nailed it," Tony interjected, putting his arm tightly around your shoulder. "I was actually a little scared."

Steve crossed his arms over his chest and nodded introspectively, reviewing the last few minutes in his head. "I agree, I think she did great. The team sure bought it," he smiled, "they're all up there thinking that I'm actually breaking up a fight right now. One thing though, (Y/N), when you yell too loudly, your voice cracks and it's hard to hear. You want to make sure your voice projects to the back rows."

"Thanks, Cap, I'll remember that." You leaned past Steve to see the rest of the team now lined up at the kitchen door, watching anxiously to see the outcome of Steve's intervention. Natasha was nervously chewing on her thumbnail and Thor was twisting one of his braids around his finger. "They really did buy it, didn't they? I guess that answers my question about my performance sounding genuine. So, the play opens tomorrow night. You guys are gonna be there, right?"

"Wouldn't miss it. Your dad and I have bets on who cracks first when those knuckleheads realize what just happened." 

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