Captain Creeper (Rogers x reader)

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The first time that Steve caught a glimpse of you, it was just an ordinary night. He was out late, after the rest of the team had turned in to sleep, leaving the tower dark behind him as he casually strolled away from it and onto the sidewalks that weren't so busy as to crowd him, but just sparse enough to feel a little lonely. He hated nights like this when he couldn't sleep, but when the gym didn't give him the outlet that he needed to clear his mind of the nightmares that he knew would plague him if he slept. There were nights when he wouldn't look up from watching his feet land on the asphalt, one in front of the other, until he would find himself in Brooklyn, as if his body knew where he needed to be. Other nights he found himself making pointless circles around the city until the hint of sunlight on the horizon told him to stop. When he left the tower on this night, however, he couldn't have anticipated that his routine walk would end only a mere two blocks from where it had started.

He tried to hurry and bring his phone up to catch a picture of your face before you could notice, fumbling with the device nervously within his thick fingers with a grumble of frustration. Positioning himself just around the corner of a building at the end of the alleyway where he saw you, he held his breath silently and watched as you made short work of a small group of men that you had intercepted mid-robbery. Steve thought about jumping in to help, but he quickly decided that he wasn't needed and would rather watch as you more than held your own, but when you were finished and turned towards him, it was all he could do to hide himself and not drop his phone on the ground when his hands failed him again.

"Rogers," you called out, "that wasn't sneaky at all. You know that I'm gonna need that phone."

"I...I don't know what you're talking about," he answered anxiously, peeking around the corner to see you approaching. "I didn't get any of it."

"I thought Captain America didn't lie."

"I...usually don't."

"Hand it over."

"It's Avengers property. I can't."

You took the last steps towards him, and he didn't balk at your proximity; he clearly wasn't afraid of you, and didn't seem to know any better than to not take you seriously. You centered your energy and directed your strength into your hand, clamping it down over the phone with a force that he couldn't fight. He tried to hold onto it as you pulled it from his grip, but you were far stronger than he was, and far more determined.

"Thanks," you smiled, crushing the device in your hand and dropping its remnants to the ground. "I'm sure that Stark can make you a new one."

"Who are you?" he asked in a quiet gasp, eyes wide in shock and a little bit of admiration. "What are you?"

"No one that you need to worry that pretty little head about, Cap," you smiled, stepping back and away. "Enjoy your walk."

When you faded away from his sight and seemingly into thin air, he was stunned into immobile silence, staring at where you had been standing only seconds before. He had never seen you before, but you clearly knew who he was, and knew about the team; he broke through his shock and turned back to the tower, promising himself that before this night was over, he would know exactly who you were.


"What's Chi Manipulation?" Steve asked of Natasha, squinting at the screen of his computer as he read the limited information that he could find on you. There wasn't much out there to be known, as you had been pretty successful in keeping a low profile for a very long time. Even with their virtually unlimited access to private data, Steve was struggling to piece it all together. "Is that how she disappeared?"

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