Daughter of Odin (Thor/Barnes x reader)

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"You will join me for the journey, will you not? I have yet to ever leave Asgard and you speak of Midgard as if it were a second home to you."

"Yes, of course," Thor reassured you. "I never once considered that you would travel alone, sister. Particularly in this time when your life is in danger. That would be careless and father wouldn't hear of it."

"I can handle myself, Thor. I just prefer to not be lost from the moment of my arrival." In preparation to leave your home, you slung your pack over your shoulders and strapped your ornate sword to your side. "I'll just bid farewell to father and we can be on our way."

"He's not here, (Y/N). He is searching for those who are trying to capture you and could not be delayed." Thor took a few steps forward and gently took your hand, "you will see him soon enough, once the conspirators on your life have been captured. He felt that his presence here would only draw more attention to your departure into hiding."

You took a sorrowful look at your home for one final time, unsure if you would ever see it again, or if Midgard would become your new home if your father couldn't find the hunters who wanted the trophy of your killing as Odin's beloved daughter. "And these people, these Avengers, they're trustworthy?"

"Very much so, yes."

"Well then, brother," you sighed, "what are we waiting for?"


"Do you think she's ripped?"

"Thor's sister?" Steve laughed. "Is that really a question?"

"What? Maybe she's a homebody," Sam laughed. "She's a princess, right? I'm sorry but 'warrior' and 'princess' are polar opposites in my mind."

"Either way, I'd put down every cent I have on her being able to kick your ass, Wilson." Bucky entered the lounge and took his place on the couch next to Steve as the team waited for your arrival with Thor. It had only been two days since he had come to them, practically begging them to take you in and act as your protector, despite your ability to protect yourself perhaps better than they could. The truth was, you needed to adapt and blend in to their lives and customs until the threat was gone, and who better to keep you from harm in that time than the Avengers?

The remaining members of the team joined the group next, taking their positions as the time came that was planned for you to appear. As everyone arrived it was as if a signal had been sent and a flash of lightening filled the room; as it cleared, they saw Thor at your side and holding your hand tightly.

"Are we late?"

"Right on time," Steve smiled, rising to take his teammates hand in a firm shake, though his gaze was clearly on you. He released Thor's hand quickly and shifted his attention to take yours, "hello, I'm Steve. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"You as well, Captain. I'm (Y/N)."

He nodded briefly and turned away, releasing you to point out each of his teammates to you one by one, when he finally came to the one that had immediately caught your attention. "...and this is Bucky Barnes."

"Your highness," he jutted forward, taking your hand and bringing it to his lips with a small bow. "The pleasure is all mine." Bucky straightened and locked his gaze with yours and a gentle smile began to curl at the corners of his mouth, though he fought it away to maintain his formality. "If you don't mind my asking, what are you a goddess of?"


"What? Thor's a god of thunder, right? I just assumed that she'd be-"


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