That Guy? (Rogers/Wilson x reader)

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You had seen the tower a million times, several times a day in fact, but you had never been inside. Standing on the sidewalk at the entrance was suddenly daunting; you weren't just admiring its architecture from afar, you were about to go in to attend an infamous Tony Stark party at the insistence of your friend Wanda. You had been trying to get out of this for nearly two weeks, but she wouldn't back down. She wanted you to meet her team, Steve in particular, as he had been the most supportive of her and the two had become fast friends after their rocky start.

Peeking through the door, you saw her hurrying across the lobby towards you, her arms extended for a hug the second you passed through. A man in a stuffy suit took your coat as she spun you around, while the security guards at the desk inspected the contents of your purse. "You look great, (Y/N)! Just perfect! I can't wait for you to meet everyone," she smiled brightly, taking your hands and pulling you to the elevator. "I've told them all about you."

"Them, or Steve?"

"Them, with extra attention to Steve, perhaps."

"Wanda, you know how I feel about blind dates. You suck at this."

"I will admit that my last attempt was poorly chosen," she agreed hesitantly, bringing you into the lift and releasing you to wait for it to rise. "But that shouldn't discourage you from allowing me to try again."

"Well," you sighed and watched the floor numbers rise on the small screen in front of you, "as long as this guy doesn't ask me for money or take me to see his belly button lint collection, it can't be any worse."


"Steve, this is my friend, (Y/N)." Wanda smiled and all but dragged you forward for your hand to meet his as he stretched it out towards you. "She's the one I told you about."

"Ma'am," he coughed quietly, looking at her with surprise but quickly turning to you so that you were the focus of his attention. "Pleasure to meet you. Obviously, I've heard quite a bit about you."

"Same," you nodded, smiling gently and removing your hand from his. You looked around the room at the other partygoers and recognized a few, being only the other Avengers that Wanda had told you about or those you had seen on the news. You had never felt like more of an outsider than right now.

"Don't be shy. Only a few of us bite."

With a small chuckle, you relaxed and took a seat at the bar next to him, signaling the bartender to come your way. "Thanks for that. I guess I'm a little nervous."

"Why would you be nervous? I'm the one shaking in my boots here."

"Please, you do realize that your Captain America, right?" you snickered. "With that face and that body, I'm sure you have women fawning over you 24/7." A groan built in your throat, realizing the words after they had spilled forth, closing your eyes in embarrassment.

"Nah, I'm nothing special, doll. I'm just a kid from Brooklyn."

He had graciously skirted right over what you had said as to not cause you any more grief, and you silently thanked him for it with a self-effacing grin. His face was earnest and looked sincere, and it struck you that this world-known and respected man didn't see him self as anything more than that same kid that he used to be; he was just bigger. "You really believe that, don't you?"

"Yes, ma'am." Steve took a quick drink from his glass and set it down soundly on the bar, standing to ask you to dance when he was suddenly interrupted by a yell from across the room that quickly grew closer.

"Steve, we need you! Barnes has his hand stuck in...the...toilet." Sam faded away when he saw you, pausing to stare and now seemingly unable to speak.

"How did he do that?" you asked with a soft smile to try to convince him that you weren't scary to interact with, despite the continued look of surprise on his face. "Generally speaking, you usually just want to let things go on their way in there."

"Yeah," he grinned, "yeah, I suppose you do..."

"Sam?" Steve summoned, but to no response.



"I'm Sam," he held out his hand almost shyly, but when he had ahold of yours he brought it to his lips and his eyes sparkled back at you.

"I got that, thanks. I'm (Y/N)."

"How you doin'?"

Steve was now fully frustrated and pushed his way between you, standing only inches from his friend's face with an angry look that would have scared the answers out of anyone. "Sam, where the hell is Buck, and why is his hand stuck in a toilet?"

"He got drunk and tripped, man, calm down. It's not like he's gonna rust."


By the time the party began to die down, you had spent almost the entire evening with Sam, dancing and talking, laughing and enjoying each other's company. After the harrowing rescue of Bucky from his porcelain trap, Steve had joined you for much of it, and it wasn't awkward; he could see that Sam was easily a much better match than he had been, despite the early protests from Wanda.

The four of you had retreated to a far corner of the lounge as the crowd began to dissipate and guests began to leave. Bucky and Steve excused themselves to walk a few ladies to their cars, in true gentlemanly fashion, while you and Sam stayed behind for a few minutes alone before the night was over.

"She's still staring at us," Sam leaned in close enough to feel the early stubble on his cheek against your skin. "I think she was pretty set on you and Steve."

"She'll get over it. Besides, I really like him, so she was kinda right," you shrugged. "I think we'll be really good friends."

"Hmm," he hummed against your neck, sending a chill down your spine and a shudder throughout your body at his touch. "And what do you think we'll be, (Y/N)?" he asked with a gentle kiss against your neck.

"I think we'll just be really good."

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