Just Like We Practiced (Rogers x reader)

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Poor Steve. He had to be covered in bruises by now, even with his rapid healing. He had been thrown face-first, sideways, backwards and upside down into the wall of the compound over and over again, trying to be patient while Wanda steadied her powers to lift him into the air. Each time, he bolstered her confidence, telling her that this would be the one to get him to the window and clear, but it always ended with a slap of his body against the building, sliding to the ground in a heap of groans and winces as he stood to take it all over again.

"Steve, we can stop," Wanda urged, "I'm not going to get this today, so let's try again tomorrow."

"Nope, we keep going," the big dummy argued, "like I said, the sooner we get this down, the stronger we'll be on the next mission."

"Yeah, you won't be stronger if she beats your ass like this for much longer."

Steve turned to you with a huff, resting his hands on his hips with a look of both disbelief and annoyance at your attitude about the move he had created on his own. You didn't let his expression challenge you, however, and you held your ground to stare back with equal regard. "(Y/N), you want to give it a try? If you can do better, then step up."

"Ahh...no, I don't think so," you backpedaled, hands up in front of you, "that's not what I was getting at, Cap. I just think maybe she's right and you should take a break. I don't think I can lift you like that."

"No time like the present to find out. Come on, give it a go." Steve returned to his starting position while you exchanged terrified glances with Wanda, shaking your head and mouthing silently how much of a terrible idea this was. You had taken so long with trying to communicate with her, he was now standing still and watching the exchange, waiting for his opportunity to break in. "(Y/N)? Sometime today?"

"This is such a bad idea," you grumbled quietly, closing your eyes to gather up as much strength as you could to center your powers on your Captain. Wanda's skills in telekinesis were so much more powerful than yours, you knew that, and Steve's faith in you was completely misguided. Maybe he knew that and was just trying to make a point to shut you up once and for all. "Alright, Cap, you asked for this."

"You can do it, (Y/N). Just like we practiced."

"You've only practiced with Wanda, dumbass," you spat, thrusting the glow from your hands towards him in a flashing burst.

"Languaaaaage!" he yelled out as his body took flight before he expected it to. He lifted his feet up and curled himself tightly with his shield in front of him to try to take the brunt of the hit, recoiling just slightly when your aim shifted and threw him through the large window into Tony's office, rather than the open window several feet away.

"Oh, shit! Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god," you panicked, running towards the building with Wanda close behind. "Oh god, Tony's going to murder me!"

"I'm sure he won't, (Y/N). Steve told you to do this, so maybe he'll murder him instead."

"That's not better!"

You pushed your body to its limits, sprinting into the building and taking the stairs multiples at a time rather than waiting for the elevator, each landing of your foot feeling like one step closer to your own demise. You could just imagine what sight was waiting for you in Tony's office, and how the last words you would hear as an Avenger would go; Tony was sure to be livid, and Cap was probably already dead from your throw, despite Wanda's suggestion that Tony would do it for you. When you turned the final corner and reached the door to his office, the sight before you wasn't exactly what you had expected, leaving you and Wanda standing together, shocked and trying to hold your composure.

Steve hadn't landed on the desk as you had envisioned; he had taken Tony completely out of his chair with the hit, tossing the two men fully across the room and into a heap on the floor right next to where you were now standing. Tony was pinned beneath the Captain, who was struggling through the pain to get up from the awkward position.

"Steve?" you tried, your voice uncertain. "Tony? You guys okay?"

"You...missed," Steve groaned, "just like you said...you would."

"Hey Cap," Tony joined in, "if you wanted to get my attention, just send flowers next time. Or you know...ask. Not that I don't appreciate your enthusiasm, but dropping in and breaking my ribs isn't a great way to get me to say yes."

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