Mandatory Education (AOS/X-Men/Deadpool x reader)

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No, oh please, no.

You stared up at the building that was crumbling around you, hearing the sounds of destruction and death, all by your hand, even though you had tried desperately to stop it. Wailing sirens approached, though their volume was muffled by the screams of bystanders running from the structure and in the streets around you. For you, however, it was as if your body was frozen in time, unwavering even as bricks and beams landed on the ground next to you.

All you wanted to do was save a few people, maybe make good on living to help others rather than being sucked into the seduction of the dark energy that you could bend to your will. You could rule the world if you wanted to, but that had never once crossed your mind despite knowing that's what everyone thought of you. Prove them wrong, you thought, following your instinct to this moment, only to find that one misjudgment of your energies was pulling the building apart with the people you wanted to save still inside, and there wasn't a damn thing you could do about it.

"You need to move! This building won't hold much longer, come on!" You had never heard the voice in person, but you knew it all too well; when you forced yourself to turn and look, you still felt a sense of wonderment when Captain America filled your sights.

"No, don't you dare! You're coming with me!" came an alternate voice from your other side. You turned to see who those words belonged to, only to recognize the one person that you couldn't seem to evade; Melinda May had been tracking you for months, and now it would seem that her efforts were about to pay off.

Both options lacked a positive outcome, but being flanked from either side, you had to choose one. You could have forced them away if you summoned your power, but with the destruction that you had just caused still falling around you, you were far too afraid.

"Hey, Mistress of the Dark, move your tits!"

You had to squint through the brick dust and smoke that hung heavily in the air, but the red leather suit was just visible by the light of flames next to him. "Who the hell are you?"

"Does it really matter? I'm here to save that hot ass of yours, so let's get a move on! I've got a plan you're gonna hate with a remarkable chance of disastrous failure, but it can't be worse than this shit show that you've made for yourself, right?"

"Right," you nodded in shock, dumbfounded at this new option, "I'll take it!" You lunged forward and took his hand, not questioning when he ran towards the building rather than away, throwing himself over you when one of the walls finally gave way. Once the dust settled, he rolled off of you, slapping your back while you tried to cough your lungs clear; you could still hear the sounds of May and Rogers, but now there was an unpassable pile of debris keeping them from you. "Not bad."

"Thank you! I do take pride in my stupidity when it actually works. You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good," you coughed one last time, taking his hand to help you stand. "I'm (Y/N). And you are...?"

"I know exactly who you are doll face, and I'm not going to lie and say that it doesn't absolutely crush both my ego and my heart to know that you have no idea who I am. But," he sighed, casually wiping the dust from his suit, "I'll try to not take it personally, even though I just saved your life and all."

"I'm still waiting."

"Good. Because I don't give it up on the first date, sweetheart. I can go months without giving my left hand a turn, because this package is worth the wait."


"You lost her again."

It wasn't a question, so much as a revelation that they may never be able to catch you, especially if this Deadpool guy that they were starting to hear rumors about had gotten to you before they could. Phil sat at his desk with a look that May took as disappointment, but in reality, he was deciding that maybe it was time to stop.

Imagine If You Assembled The Avengers: Volume 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora