Is That New? (Agents of Shield x reader)

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You knew it was a bad idea to ride along with the team today. You knew it. But, of course, all Fitz had to do was flash that smile and those soft eyes and you agreed. Maybe it was for the best, and you thought that it could be that you were meant to be there to keep him safe once the moment was upon you and a choice had to be made.

"Agent (Y/L/N), what's your position?"

"I'm on the south side of the roof, but I don't have eyes on the target," you whispered back. "Fitz was on the ground on the north side but he hasn't reported in."

"I'm just about there, hold where you are," Daisy broke in, and you could hear her panting breaths as she ran to meet him. A minute later, she was back, "I don't see him, (Y/N). You sure you have the right coordinates?"

"Yeah?" You searched your mind for your last conversation just to be sure, but he clearly said that he was heading to the north side of the complex. "Fitz? Fitz where are you?" you called out, but didn't get a reply. "I'm coming down there."

"No, you hold where you are, Agent," Coulson replied. "I need you there for the vantage point, and Daisy has the ground covered. Understood?"

You shook your head and replied with a groan, "yes, sir." Kneeling down onto the loose gravel of the rooftop, rocks pinched and dug into your knees even through your uniform, but you didn't feel them. Your focus was on finding Fitz; if he said he was going to be there, then he should have been there. His calculations required a very specific location and very specific timing, and any variance would jeopardize capturing an inhuman that the team had been following for months.

Peering over the ledge of the building, you heard a scuffle and a covered yell just below that quickly drew your attention. It was your boyfriend, trying to take on the remarkably strong inhuman by himself rather than just calling for backup like a normal person would do.

"Always trying to prove something," you huffed. "Daisy, he's engaged the target. I'm going down there before he gets himself killed."

"No, (Y/N), I can go, just hold your position!"

"Not gonna happen," you mumbled, standing again and taking a final look down. The man had him in a hold with his arm around his neck and his body pinned so that he couldn't move. Daisy was still too far away, and if you didn't move quickly, it might be too late. You closed your eyes and visualized your landing point, materializing seconds later behind the man, shocking him enough to release Fitz and turn to you.

"Where did you come from?" he asked, looking bewildered at how you had gotten so close without him noticing. "No matter, I'll just kill you first. Women are easier."

"(Y/N), run!"

"Calm down, Fitz, I've got this," you smiled back. "This won't kill you, but it ain't gonna tickle either." Reaching your hand out just enough to connect with the inhuman, you sent a shockwave through him and knocked him sufficiently unconscious with a few violent tremors. You gave him a few swift kicks in the side to be sure that he was out before applying the cuffs to his arms and legs and hoping that they would be strong enough if he awoke before you could get him to containment.

"See? Piece of cake."

"What...what did did you...?"

"Seriously, you need to relax. We can talk about it when we get back to base."

"Yeah, okay," he panted, rubbing the sting from the redness that had grown on his neck from his near-strangulation. "But how..."

"Fitz, I'm about to get in some pretty serious trouble here, okay? We can talk later," you snapped, reaching down to take the man's bound hands into yours. "Maybe grab his feet?"

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