Under False Pretenses (Pietro x reader)

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"You exhaust me, (Y/N), you know that?" Steve laughed, dropping to the floor of the living room in a panting heap, holding his side to calm the stabbing pain from running too hard. "I didn't think it was possible."

"Come on, Cap, suck it up! You can't let these guys see you bested by a girl? Not little old me?" you smirked. "You even said that I was no match for your super soldier speed, but yet here we are, with me crossing the finish line first."

"She's right, Cap," Clint joined in, "she took you by three seconds."

"How about you, Piet?" you challenged, nudging him playfully with your elbow as you passed by him on your way to the kitchen for water. "You up for it?"

"What's in it for me if I do?" Pietro asked, his interest piqued. He pushed himself up onto his elbow, watching you from the couch with a wide grin that matched the glimmer in his eyes, waiting to hear what you could come up with as incentive. When he saw his opportunity, he perked up even more and his voice raised in pitch in his excitement. "You know there's only one thing that I'll say yes to, darling."

"Really? A date isn't a date if it's accepted under duress."

"Says who?"

"Says the person that you've asked out every day since she got here," Natasha added with a groan. "You just don't know when to give up."

"Well it sure sounds like he's giving up now, Nat," you added, walking over to Pietro and kneeling down in front of him. "I haven't heard you take the challenge yet, speedy. Are ya scared? It's okay to say if you are. I won't tell anyone," you chided, reaching out to poke his shoulder, but by the time your hand raised up, he was gone in a silver flash. "Hey! That's cheating!"

The silver swirled around you a few times before coming to a halt behind you, feeling a shudder course through you at the warm breath against your neck as Pietro spoke again, "say yes."

"Fine," you relented, "but when I win this one, and I will, then I get to pick where you're taking me."

"Anywhere you wish, my love," Pietro smiled widely, already winning the only challenge that mattered to him. He got you to finally agree to a date after months of trying, and he couldn't wait to lose this race to see where you would choose for the first of what he hoped to be a long future of nights out with you.


Of course, the first date would have to wait, as the Avengers curse would have it; it had come to be accepted that any fun would always be interrupted by work, and this was no exception. It would be quick, the Captain promised, and even though he had given you the option to sit this one out, you were never one to turn down a job; if you didn't want to do the work, you wouldn't be there in the first place. You knew that Steve had his apprehensions about having you on the team at all, worried that you were too young, or too naïve and cheerful of a soul and that this work would rob you of that, but it made it only that much more important to you to do every mission asked of you just to prove him wrong.

"I bought a suit for our date," Pietro smiled, taking a seat next to you on the quinjet, "so I hope you've chosen somewhere nice."

"Coney Island."

"You can't be serious."

"I can," you laughed, working on the final straps of your parachute with unnecessary focus to avoid looking at the shock in his expression, "Steve recommended it. He said it's a great first-date place, though I'm not sure how he would know. Does Cap even go on dates?" you asked quietly, glancing over your shoulder. "I never see him do anything but work. What a downer."

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