Close Your Eyes (Part 2: Tony Stark x reader)

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Yes, part two of sorts to Close Your Eyes (with Bucky) but with a different character. 

WARNING:  It's really angsty.  Seriously.

"Should I call (Y/N)?"

"Might as well."

A few agonizing minutes passed before FRIDAY's voice returned with the answer that Tony knew was coming, remembering that you were at an appointment and likely waiting for him; he could see your face and your anxiously tapping foot in his mind, and he managed a small smile at the thought.

It would be the final disappointment that he would put you through in his life, leaving you with so many more yet to come even after he was gone.

"There was no response, boss."


"I think he has Tony's nose," you grinned, pushing the ultrasound picture into Steve's hand, "poor kid."

"I don't have any clue what you're looking at, (Y/N). It's all just wiggly lines and shadows." He crinkled his nose as he squinted and tried to focus, holding the paper close to examine anything that even remotely resembled a nose. "Is that it?" he pointed, holding it out to you with a hopeful expression.

"Oh, no," you smiled, "no, that's definitely not his nose. That's what makes him a he, Cap."

"Oh...oh! Right! Right..." his voice faded as he began to study it again with renewed determination.


You turned away from Steve at the sound of the soft voice behind you, barely hearing Bruce as he entered the room. When you saw him, you stood to meet him but you felt your knees weaken at the realization of what he was about to tell you. You could see it in his face; he looked like he had aged twenty years in the one day that they had been gone on what Tony had called 'a mission he could finish in his sleep'.


"Woah, (Y/N)," Steve gasped, standing at your side to catch you as you wavered, "what's wrong..." he paused, looking up at the doctor. "Oh, no...Banner...oh, (Y/N), come on, sit down."

Bruce slowly moved across the room towards you, but everything was moving in slow motion, as if you were watching the scene happen to you from outside of your own body, not as an active participant in something so ridiculous. There was no way that this could be real, and your mind was protecting you with its refusal to believe it.

"I have something," Bruce stopped, holding his hand out to reveal a small flash drive, "that you're supposed to listen to when you're ready. But if you can't," his voice softened and began to break, "then I can hold onto it until then."

"This isn't happening," you mumbled to yourself, folding your arms over your barely rounded belly and leaning forward as the pain rose in your chest and your eyes began to sting. Steve's arms tightened around you when your breaths hitched in your throat and your body began to shake, but even he wasn't strong enough to hold you steady. "He should have been home by now..."

Steve took a deep breath and felt surprised at his own emotions, not feeling his tears until they ran down onto his cheeks, growing more abundant with the sound of your crying into his chest and the feeling of your hands clutching his shirt; he wanted to give you his strength until he had none left, but he quickly came to realize that he had barely any to give. "What happened?" he whispered to Bruce, who had now taken a seat on your opposite side.

"I don't know all of the details, but there was an ambush, and something malfunctioned in the suit. I was...I was too far away...I couldn't get there."

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