When I Want Your Opinion, I'll Give it to You (Avengers x reader)

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With one hand around the throat of a Hydra agent and the other holding the knife that you had pierced through his partner's chest, there wasn't much room for nature to make its grand entrance into your day. The telltale cramp started between your hips then pushed into your back and down your legs, testing your ability to stay upright with your fresh kills still in hand. You dropped the one from your choke hold, but faced the other for just a moment, looking into his lifeless eyes with a sigh of disgust.

"Wanna trade places for a week?" you snarled at him, yanking your arm back to remove your blade and drop him at your feet. Another wave crashed across your lower body, this time doubling you over and holding your knees to keep your balance. "This is just perfect," you moaned, "just perfect."

"Hey, you okay? Are you injured?"

"No, Buck, not injured. Just a cramp."

Bucky straightened and you could see the question building in his mind as his expression shifted and his brow furrowed, "like a...muscle cramp?"

"Like, 'I just got my period while trying to murder people' cramp."

"Oh..." he nodded, but slowly his eyes widened when your words actually sunk in, "...oh! Gotcha! Alrighty then, I'm just gonna...I'm gonna let you have a minute..." he stammered and turned to jog away as quickly as he could, in full fear mode.

"Chickenshit!" you hollered out, but he was already out of earshot. "Ugh, why now?"

"I was told that you might need assistance back to the jet, (Y/N)?" Pietro smiled sweetly, stopping just short of running into you. "I can carry you if you would like?"

"Who told you that?"

"Bucky said that you were in pain and couldn't walk."

"Oh, he can run off and tell you that, but he couldn't just...help me...himself..." You sucked in a pained breath and held it, waiting for the pain to subside, still bent over and unable to straighten. You lifted an arm expectantly and waved Pietro in to lean under it to grab you, giving in to needing help when normally you could handle just about anything on the field. When Steve would hear about this, you knew that you'd never stop getting picked on, and each step closer to the jet was just a step closer to ridicule. Once Pietro arrived with you in his arms, he put you on one of the small rows of seats so that you could rest across them.

"What's this?" Natasha joined in, taking a seat next to you. "Did you get injured?"

"Shark week."

"Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry. Here," she offered and gently lifted your feet up onto her lap, "let me help." Her hands began to knead the muscles of each calf and thighs, helping to relax the tension in them as your cramps continued and gave you enough pain to focus on.

"Man, why don't we get this kind of attention?" Bucky laughed, pointing at you and Natasha from the pilot seat. "I got shot two weeks ago and neither one of them gave it a second thought."

Pietro nodded along enthusiastically with a hand raised in agreement, waving at you as he spoke, "I know! What I don't understand is how (Y/N) could have three broken ribs, bleed from a wound in her leg, while having no weapon and still take down three men twice her size, but this is what incapacitates her."

"Hey, boys, you know we can hear you over here, right?"

"Then can you explain it for us?"

"Yeah," you added, your eyes still closed and trying to focus on the relief that Natasha was giving, "I can explain it perfectly so that you two can understand. No uterus, no opinion. That's all the answer you need."

Steve jogged in to the jet door and stopped short, pulling his shield from his back and hurrying to take a seat on your other side with his face full of concern. "Are you injured?"

"No, Cap," Natasha answered for you quietly, "monthly torture."

"Well that's terrible timing," he sighed, putting a hand on your arm. "When we get back I can run to the store if you need me to. Just make me a list. Tampons, pads, Midol, chocolate, whatever you need, you just tell me, okay?"

You leaned over towards him, resting your head on his shoulder with a sigh of contentment, relieved that there was at least one man on the team with compassion for your situation. "You're too good to us, Cap."

"I don't like to see my girls suffer, you know that. Hey, tell ya what," he replied quietly, "after the store, I'll stop and grab dinner, and we can lay around eating junk and watching movies for the rest of the night. Sound good?"

"Mmm hmm."

"Hey," Bucky objected, "what the hell? All she has to do is get her period and you're suddenly Mama Steve at her beck and call? I practically die and you barely pay me any attention!"

"Well, do you have a uterus?" Steve asked plainly.

"No, of course not."

"Then you don't get to have an opinion."

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