It's a Gold Titanium Alloy (Stark x reader)

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A little angsty

"Tony, it's too late!" Steve hollered out, trying urgently to hold him back from leaping out of the jet as it began to ascend. "You're gonna get yourself killed and that won't help anything!"

"I can't leave without her!"

As Clint pulled the jet towards the sky, the motion shifted Tony and Steve, toppling them both and sliding them towards the open door while Natasha struggled to close the broken mechanism on the battered plane. Tony was more than willing to fall from it if it meant being any closer to you and the Hydra men who had taken you, but Steve was determined to keep him there. As Stark fell from the gate, Steve reached out just in time to catch his foot, holding on with a desperate grip to the side of the bulkhead with his other hand; Tony was dangling in mid-air with no thought to his own life that was literally hanging in the balance.

"Not today...Tony..." Steve grunted, readily welcoming Bruce's assistance in pulling their friend back in. The three men landed in a heap on the jet floor, but Steve refused to release his grip until Tony agreed to stay in place. Natasha finally got the door closed when Tony relented and slunk away into a darkened corner away from everyone, closing himself off to the people who so readily wanted to help.

"We'll get her back," Natasha whispered with a gentle hand on his arm that he angrily swatted away. She looked to Steve for help, but he waved her off, leaning back against the wall with his arms folded and his posture nearly as defeated as Tony's. "You guys, you have to believe that we'll find her. You have to."


Tony sat in the darkened lab at the tower and stared blankly out the window, his phone pressed to his ear, replaying that scene from five long years ago in his mind, punishing himself just as he did on every anniversary of that mission. This year, however, he was allowing your mother to punish him even more so than he had already done on his own.

"I'm aware that it's all my fault," he agreed. "Yes, I am a terrible father. You're absolutely right, I'm a complete failure in finding her. No, I haven't done all that I could. Yes, I agree, it should have been me. Yep, worthless. That's me."

"Tony, hang up the damn phone," Bruce snapped, pulling it from his hand and tossing it aside with a loud bang on the steel workstation. "It would serve her right to hear a few choice words that I have for her, you know. She can't keep saying things like that to you, Tony. They aren't true."

"Of course they are."

"Right, I've forgotten just how good you are at destroying yourself."

"What do you want, Bruce?"

The doctor pulled up a seat next to Tony and removed his glasses, carefully turning them over nervously in his hands as he spoke, "we know what today is, and we thought that maybe it would do you some good to get out of the tower for a bit. We're going out to dinner and we'd like you to join us."

"No thanks, not hungry," he replied, standing quickly and returning to the work he had laid out across his table. His hands began to move over the instruments, but Bruce recognized that the actions weren't serving any purpose other than to avoid the conversation. "You guys go. I'll be fine."


"I said go," he hissed, looking up at Bruce with a fire in his eyes that warned him not to push back. Tony held his gaze, unmoving, until his friend finally turned away and left him alone without another word.


"He's alone," you relayed to your commander through your comm, scaling the side of the tower until you reached the floor where Tony was working, waiting at the window before making your move. "I'll have the target secured soon, be ready to accept the package."

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