But He's My Friend (dad!Tony/Rogers x reader)

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"For the past 4 years, you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate.

"The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place," Steve countered the Secretary. "I feel we've done that." His eyes darted to you for only the flash of a moment, sitting on the level above as you listened to the meeting about the Accords. He could handle anything thrown his way when it came to the team, but you were young; not quite an adult yet, and he felt an overwhelming need to protect you. Maybe it was because you were Tony's daughter, or maybe it was because he felt like he had become almost an older brother to you; but no matter what the reason, he couldn't ignore the responsibility to consider you in all of this. He wondered why he felt the need to protect you even more so than your own father did, sitting just behind him with his gaze cast to the floor as he listened. He wondered why Tony didn't speak up more.

When the meeting had finally adjourned, you watched the group slowly push away from the table, one by one, each of their expressions telling a different tale of their internal turmoil. When Steve finally stood, followed by Tony, the two men exchanged a few quiet words that you couldn't make out, but with the look on Steve's face and the animated gestures as they spoke, you knew that none of them were anything that you should hear.

A few minutes later, after another escalating group discussion, Steve stood and left the group abruptly, leaving Tony finally open so that you could find out more about what was really happening. You weren't an official member of the team, but being Tony's only child put you in the middle of enough for you to know everything as it went on. You waited for the rest of the group to disperse before approaching him; he still had that guilty look on his face, now even sadder as he sat alone in the kitchen.

"Hey old man," you greeted, approaching him with as an upbeat of a voice as you could muster, "what's with the sadness?"

"Hey, kiddo. Uh...nothing. Not to worry."

"Ah, the lie of deflection. Classic Stark."

Tony could only shake his head and laugh, knowing that you would continue to challenge him until he finally gave in. There were moments like this when he worried that he had given you too much access to this life, and worried that you would take it up someday. He didn't want you to be an Avenger, but every day that passed seemed to make it more inevitable. "Did you stay for the whole meeting?"

"Yeah, I did. Sounded pretty serious." You cautiously pulled out a chair across from him, rather than at his side as you waited for him to continue. "Steve looked pretty pissed."

"He'll get over it. He has to sign or he's out, and I can't see him letting go of this life just yet."

"Unless he had a good reason to," you offered. You knew full well that Sam and Steve had been searching for Bucky for the past two years, and if they were to find him, it would be the perfect impetus for Steve to go.

"You know something that I don't?"

"No," you lied, "just saying."

"Hmm, well," he sighed, "I know that you two are pretty close, but you'd tell me if you did know something, right?"

"Depends on what it was," you answered honestly and without apology, seeing that it wasn't the response he wanted. "But you know that I'd do the same for you, Dad."


Steve and Sam never returned to the compound after the argument about the Accords, and with each passing day you began to worry. You hadn't heard anything, and your attempt to contact Steve went unanswered. Tony wasn't really telling you anything either, and then one day he was gone too. He hadn't been himself since that first meeting, now keeping Wanda under lock and key with Vision as her babysitter. You felt free to come and go to an extent, but you knew that Viz had a watchful eye on you just the same.

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