Can't Be Controlled (Avengers x reader)

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"No way we all get through this."

"I've got no plans tomorrow night," Steve sighed, smiling sadly to himself at the sight of you talking to Vision on the far side of the room. Now that the team was facing what was perhaps its greatest threat, he was filled with regret that he hadn't found a way to tell you how he felt; that being your friend was just a consolation for what he really wanted. "Well, I guess I shouldn't speak so soon."

"Have to check with the missus?"

"Ha," he scoffed, "not the missus, Tony. I've told you a million times, we're just friends."

"You know, maybe you want to tell her how you feel before we go into this. Get it off your chest in case you come back dead and don't get another chance."

"Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine?" Bruce chuckled, nodding when you made your way towards them. "But you might have a point. This doesn't look good for any of us."

Tony took a deep breath and glanced back at you, reaching a hand out to welcome you into the discussion. "I get first crack at the big guy. Iron Man is the one he's waiting for."

"That is true, he hates you the most," Vision unintentionally deadpanned and walked past, leaving you with the three men. "I look forward to completing our conversation, (Y/N)," he added, waving at the trio as he exited towards the jet.

"Me too, Viz." You weren't immediately certain if this new addition to the team was good or bad; he had focused in quickly on you after his acceptance by the group, sensing your abilities and asking to know more about them. Right away you insisted on his silence, as you hadn't even told your team about everything that you could do. You definitely hadn't told Steve, because not all of your powers might be considered good, and you didn't want to let him down.

"You seem to have taken a liking to the new guy pretty quickly. Talking about anything good?"

"Hey, Cap. Nah, just business," you deflected with a small grin. "So, you boys ready?"

Steve nodded his confirmation and stood with a stretch of his arms over his head, leaning back with a quiet groan that didn't escape anyone, watching the healthiest man on the planet with confused stares. "Do you ever wake up in the morning and just feel like you're a hundred years old?"

Tony looked to you and Bruce, tipping his head towards the jet to lead you away, deciding not to play along, though under any other circumstances he wouldn't hesitate. He was already feeling down about the Ultron situation and harboring plenty of guilt; even Steve's attempt at humor couldn't lift his spirits. When he said that not everyone would survive this battle, he actually believed it, and it would all be his fault. He would be the cause of death for any of his friends, and he would never be ready for that.

"Tony?" You were following close behind, enough to reach up and lightly touch his arm. You could feel the fear coursing though him and gently took some of it away, negating only enough for him to feel more at ease, but not so much that he would realize what you had just done. "You okay?"



You stood by Clint on the final rescue boat, looking out over the destroyed city with remorse at what had happened, turning to rest your hand on his shoulder as you waited for the remainder of the team to join you. You dared to think that everyone would actually come out of this, unlike what Tony had believed, but once the thought crossed your mind, you pushed it away.

"Something just moved over there, did you see it?" you straightened and pointed towards a small market. "I'm gonna check it out."

"No, I've got it," Clint argued, "you stay here and don't let them leave without me." He broke into a quick jog towards the boy before you could react, reaching him faster than you would have thought. He lifted him into his arms and turned to you with a small wave before making his way back, but the sound of bullets raining down towards him stopped him in his tracks so he could shield the boy with his own body.

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