Can't Keep Meeting Like This (Matt Murdock x reader)

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"Miss (Y/L/N), please tell us the events as they occurred on September 1st."

For anyone else, sitting on the witness stand of a courtroom would be an anxiety-inducing event, especially when being tried for a crime that they were accused of committing. But you sat cool and calm, your eyes on your lawyer as you spoke, trying to hold in a smile when he seemed to be staring back at you with his lips slightly parted and breathing erratically. You were far more composed than he was, and this time, Matt Murdock wasn't even the center of attention. The two of you had been working on what you would say today to defend your own actions, but for the first time since you had met, he seemed almost nervous.

"I was walking along 39th, around 10pm or so, and I heard a woman screaming from a nearby alley. As any self-respecting person would do, I followed the sound until I found her being attacked by a group of four disgusting and immoral men with remarkably tiny penises."

"Okay, that's more than we needed to know," Matt coughed out with a quiet laugh, breaking his trance. "What happened next?"

"Once I got their attention-"

"How did you do that, exactly?"

"I used more colorful adjectives."

"Right, of course," he nodded, deciding to not push for those particular details, "continue."

"I convinced them that they should let the woman go and take me on instead, and they were very willing when I played along with their first. I was about to show them their mistake when some asshat in a red kitty costume showed up and took over. He seemed to think that I needed his help," you snapped, leaning back into the chair with a huff, crossing your arms in frustration. "I had it covered."

You heard a snicker from your defender's table, tilting your head enough to look around Matt to see Foggy with a wide smile growing and brightening his expression. When he noticed you looking back, he cleared his throat uncomfortably, pulling at his tie and looking away.

"I'm sure you did," Matt continued, trying to pull you back into the questioning. "Did you get a look at him at all? Were you able to see any identifying characteristics under his mask?"

At that moment, your mind began to scream at you, throwing you back into that moment in the alley at the sound of Matt's voice; it rang something very familiar to you. Something in the tone of it, or perhaps the intonation of his words caught you; whatever it was, you paid much closer attention to it now. "I never said he was wearing a mask."

Matt took a small step back, biting nervously on his lip, "um...I thought you did..."

"No, I'm sure that I didn't," you replied much more eagerly, leaning forward to grab the wooden rail in front of you that separated him from your reach. You read his body language and shift in mannerisms, realizing that he knew a lot more than you would have guessed. He was withholding information from you that you had asked him for several times when you met to prep for this trial. "You've seen him before, haven't you? You know who he is."


"Sustained," the judge replied firmly. "Miss (Y/L/N), please, keep your answers within the line of questioning."

"Matt," you went on, ignoring the judge's order and talking over the incessant bang of the gavel next to you, "who is he?"


The second time that you would meet the man called Daredevil, you were determined to find out who the man under the mask was. It wasn't that you were baiting him, per se, but you sort of were. You had taunted a few criminals that you had crossed paths with in the past, leading them to meet you in an alley not too far from your first encounter with the masked vigilante. Once the fighting began, just as you expected, he appeared seemingly from out of nowhere to rescue the damsel who was in no distress.

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