I'll Take It (Rogers x reader)

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WARNINGS: Cheating in relationship, language

Temptation was staring you in the face, only an arm's length away, beckoning you to take the final step towards it. You had stood in place for the last twenty minutes trying to decide what to do, fully expecting Steve to knock at any moment to see what was taking you so long. But deep down, you knew that wasn't actually going to happen.

She was here.

His attentions were likely elsewhere, which made sense as to why he left his phone behind; his mind was clouded by something new and exciting, though you had yet to actually prove it. Steve Rogers was literally the picture of a good man, a print of him in his uniform hanging on the far wall of your room; he looked honest enough, smiling and welcoming, but in the past few months, that façade was beginning to falter.

Peggy had passed away, and it was at her funeral that Steve connected with Sharon again; she had lived next to him in D.C. for months but he never knew who she really was. But now he was spending more and more of his free time with her, telling you that he was just talking to her about his past and that she filled in some of her aunt's memories for him in the time that he had lost. He said that she understood him and gave him a familiar sense of support.

But that was supposed to be your job.

You took the final step towards his dresser and held your hand over the phone, watching yourself begin to gently tremble as you realized what you were about to do. This could be it. Steve was either about to be cleared of the transgressions in your mind, or he would be found guilty and that would be the end. There would be no middle ground for you. Closing your eyes, you slid your hand over the smooth glass of its screen and took it in hand, seeing the bright illumination even through your closed lids. With a deep breath you slowly reopened them and entered his password, thumbing through the screens until you found his photos. He didn't even make a strong effort to hide them.

It was the very first picture.

Your fingers danced over the screen to send as many pictures to your own phone as you could while storming to the lounge in a rage. The color of your face now matched the ruby red of your cocktail dress and your heartbeat was pounding in your ears; the ridiculous heels that Natasha insisted you wear to the party tonight were miserable to wear, but they were remarkably aerodynamic as you threw them absentmindedly somewhere in the hallway when you began to run.

The laughter from the party below grew louder with each step until you were finally there, standing on the level above, overlooking the faces of your team; a few of your own friends, and him. She was only a few steps away, laughing with Tony, her hand on his back like they were the best of friends. You couldn't help but feel like you were being completely replaced.

"Steve Rogers is a goddamn liar!" you yelled out over the group, who immediately silenced and turned to you. FRIDAY even stopped the music at the sound of your voice. "Good 'ol Captain America is a motherfucking cheater!"

Tony dropped his glass, shattering on the wooden floor as he stared at you with utter shock and his mouth open wide. Bruce and Clint stood from their seats on the couch and simply stared at Steve to wait for his response. Natasha was immediately in motion to get to you, while Bucky and Thor looked away with covered eyes and grimaced expressions that spoke volumes about how they would rather be anywhere else than here.

"(Y/N), calm down," Steve answered, stepping closer with his hands raised. "I think we should talk about this in private, don't you?"

"No! No, Steve, I think everyone deserves to know who you really are!" You clutched the phone in your hand so tightly that your fingers were beginning to whiten under the pressure. "Everyone deserves to know that you've been lying to them this entire time! Lying to me!" Pulling your arm back you pitched the phone as hard as you could, sending it for his head but instead smashing through one of the glass walls below when he ducked just barely in time. "History should know that Steve Rogers is nothing but a fucking coward."

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