Did You Hear That? (Barnes x reader)

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You were peeking around a corner of a long and dark hallway, the cool moisture in the air leaving a heaviness in your chest when you tried to catch your breath. It was growing darker by the minute and you were running out of time to complete your mission. You had been running for so long that your legs threatened to give way; Bucky must have noticed because he was immediately behind you, grabbing your waist and pulling you back against him for support.

"You're not givin' up on me already, are ya doll?"

"What would give you that idea?" you scoffed, pulling his hand away to escape his grasp but the muscles of his arm tightened and held you in place. "Buck-"

"Shhh," he whispered, leaning his head down next to your ear. The stubble of his beard grazed your cheek and your neck when he turned, leaving goose bumps on your skin and a tremble in your breath. "Did you hear that?"

Gathering yourself into the moment and trying in earnest to ignore the sensations that coursed through you at being so close to him, you listened...and heard...nothing. "No?"

"Here," he said murmured in your ear, leaning in closer, "how about now?"

"All I can hear is you breathing down my neck," you snapped, turning within his arms and pushing his chest firmly to tip him back just slightly. A loud bang and voices began to build at the far end of the hall from where you stood, a howling wind blowing through as you heard them slam the doors shut. You grabbed a strap on Bucky's uniform and pulled him to the other side of the cavern, shoving him into the darkest corner you could find to hide yourselves. "Breathe quieter."

"I could just stop..." he hissed.

"Hey, if it keeps us from being found..."

With a low growl he grabbed you again, this time surprising you enough to allow a small yelp to escape your throat. "You know, (Y/N), every morning I wake up, look over at you sleeping so peacefully and think, 'I don't know what I did to deserve you.'" His metal hand reached up and pinched the side of your belly enough to almost hurt, and definitely enough for you to release a yell that was sure to give away your location. "Now I'm really, actually starting to wonder. What the hell did I do?"

"Do you want to get caught? Keep talkin', boy." You pressed your hand against his mouth, pushing his head against the stony wall with a grumble. "It your fault that we're the hunted now instead of the hunters that we started out as, but no, you had to get cocky. Oh, yuck!" you whispered angrily, pulling your hand from his face after he licked the palm of your hand to get you to release him. "Are you a child?"

Without another word and nothing more than a wink and that smile you never could resist, he burst forward and grabbed you, throwing you over his shoulder to run right into the fight. You were easily outnumbered two-to-one with no real chance of winning. "I hope you can aim that way, babe. We're goin' in! Do or die time!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure we're going with die."

You bounced on his shoulder as he ran, pushing yourself up enough to rest your chin on your hand to let him know that you weren't at all impressed, and maybe just a bit...bored. Anything to take him down a notch. As you reached the group that wanted to end you both, he spun around and aimed you at them, leaving you to do all the work.

"You're such a jerk, Barnes, you know that?" you yelled, shooting as many targets as you could, a gun in each hand. "And apparently really lazy."

Bucky stopped in his tracks and dropped you onto your feet with a thud, jarring you from your footing and having to grab his arm to steady yourself. "Oh, I'll show you lazy, sweetheart. You might want to pay attention to this." He pulled two weapons from his shirt and held them steady as he marched forward into the group, easily eliminating them two at a time until there were none left. Surveying his win, he pointed at you with an expression that held both pride and a little anger what you had said. "I don't know what you were doing back there, but this is how you get it done," he sneered, then stood silently with his arms out, waiting for your response filled with awe and regard for his masterful skill.

"Oh, I'm sorry," you smirked, "I missed it. I'm sure it was really impressive though."

His chest expanded quickly and he straightened his stance; his eyes darkened and the smile left him. With a sharp clap of his hands he charged forward, easily overtaking you before you could take even one step away. "That's it, (Y/N). I'm done with the attitude." He lifted you from the ground and sat on a nearby rock, throwing you on his lap despite your attempts to get away.

"What? Daddy's gonna put me over his knee now? This is new," you laughed, not taking him seriously; an error that you would never make again after this day.

"No! No, no, no," Steve called out, "you guys, I am not going to watch this!"

"Hey, shut it, old man. Some us are trying to hear," Tony said, watching the two of you intently and grabbing his phone to document it all.

"She deserves it, if you ask me," Clint added, jogging up next to Tony. "How many is she getting?" he yelled to Bucky with a grin and an elbow into Stark's side.

"As many as it takes until she learns," Bucky said matter-of-fact.

Steve huffed and turned to grab his shield and collected the laser guns, ripping the target from his chest, "yeah, you guys are gonna be here all day."  

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