Love is for Children (Romanoff x reader)

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"Love is for children. Do I look like a child to you, Clint?" Natasha crossed her arms tightly over her chest and waited, giving her friend a look that would freeze an open flame, daring him to continue. Even despite her best efforts, he wouldn't take the warning.

"If children can be head-over-heels in love, then yeah, totally."

"You looooove her," Tony added, resting his arm over Clint's shoulder with an arrogant look on his face, knowing full well that he was right. "Just admit it and we can all move on with our day."

"You're being ridiculous, and I have things to do," she huffed, shooting a vicious glare to Barton before turning away. She knew that he was right, and he knew it too, but it had been something that she thought she could trust him with, and it pissed her off to be so wrong.

"You mean (Y/N)?"

Nat stopped in her tracks and spun on her heel to face the men again. The red anger in her face matched the vibrancy of her hair, and Clint took a small step back in response. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

"You have things to do," Tony smirked, "meaning (Y/N), right?"

"Uggggh," Clint groaned, turning away with his face in his hands, "not cool, man. Not the time."

"What? All I said was-"

You could hear Tony scream even from your room several floors above, so you knew that Natasha would be busy for some time, allowing you the opportunity to pack as much as you could. The two of you had been dating for nearly two years, but apparently you thought that your relationship was more than she did, given what you had just overheard her say to Clint. You made the ridiculous mistake of believing that when she said she loved you, she actually meant it.

Now the only feelings you had were embarrassment and the strong need to run. When the screaming below came to a stop, you hurried to keep her from coming after you so you could make a clean getaway before she could stop you. You pushed as many belongings as you could into your pack, taking only the essentials that you would need until you could gather yourself enough to come back for the rest.

"JARVIS, please lock access to our floor. I don't want Natasha up here until after I leave."

"Yes, ma'am. Access will be allowed by your command only."


"What the hell?" Natasha continued to slam her fingers against the screen, entering the security code to your floor over and over without success. "JARVIS, why can't I get in?"

"I have been asked to restrict all entry to your floor, miss."

"By who?"


"Great, just...great," she huffed under her breath, bringing her hands to rest on her hips as she searched her mind for why you would lock her out. It was something you did after a fight and you needed a few minutes to cool off, but there hadn't been one and she was at a complete loss. She slipped her hand into her pocket and retrieved her phone to check the time and paused, looking at the picture of the two of you on the screen warmly before opening it.

Clint was right, of course, but it wasn't something that she readily flaunted around, the way she felt about you. Everyone knew that you were dating and that you had been for some time, but she wanted to keep some of the relationship to herself, and this felt like the most important part to keep. She was just glad that you hadn't heard what she had said. She hurried to make her way to the gym, realizing that it was time for your workout, hoping that maybe you had talked to Steve and he had a clue what was happening.

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