Invisibility (Barnes x reader)

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Being one of Clint's close friends, you had the benefit of being friends with the Avengers too, spending so much time with the group that you had all but become one of them without having to do all of the work that came with the role. It also meant that you had become close enough to fall prey to the temper tantrums, sarcastic wit, and usually playful teasing that came with it all too; one of your favorite offenders being Tony, though you would never tell him that.

"Hide and seek? Really?" Tony scoffed, standing at the center of the Avengers compound living room with an accusatory finger pointed in your direction. "She cheats!"

"Do not!" you argued, rising from the couch in a huff to face him, throwing your hands up in frustration. "Never have I ever used my invisibility to cheat! Maybe you just suck at this game, you sore loser!"

"Guys, we can play something else," Clint offered.

"No, we're playing this!" Tony countered. "I am not a sore loser, you'll see!" He stopped with his mouth open to say more, but stopped to realize what he had just said. "I'll see when I win!"

"Quality save, Stark. Fine," you relented, "line up. FRIDAY, count it off from twenty."

"Nineteen, eighteen, seventeen..."

You each ran in all directions, the six of you who had decided to play laughing as you separated. You caught Tony glancing back over his shoulder to see which way that you had chosen to go, only to be met with your tongue poking out at him petulantly as you continued on. Making your way towards the far reaches of the back of the building, you decided to make things harder by going to one of the smaller structures across the grounds rather than staying inside this one; there was a small building not too far away that looked perfect.

Steve quickly found Tony, then Clint, Wanda and finally Natasha, leaving only you as the final player hidden. When Steve couldn't find you on his own, they searched as a group, only to still come up empty.

"Wanda, find her," Steve commanded sternly, now beginning to feel nervous. "Game's over."

She closed her eyes and focused on the energies around her, weeding through them to find your unique signature in her mind. She read the energy in each building, one at a time, until she reached the last one on the compound and came up empty. The energy from her mind flowed through the gardens and woods and still found you to be nowhere nearby. "I cannot find her anywhere, Steve. She's not here."

"She's not just playing invisible?" Tony asked cautiously.

"I would still be able to sense her, as that's only a shift in her outward appearance," Wanda replied softly. "(Y/N)'s gone."


Bucky was sitting quietly in his room, reading a painfully dry and insanely boring Avengers manual filled with drabble about rules, behavior, care of your gear, accountability, and some garbage about effective communication in team building that he skimmed past faster than anything else. If he wanted to talk to someone, he'd just call Steve.

He had only been a resident of the compound for less than a week, and at Steve's insistence, he would be held out of missions for at least the first month as he acclimated to his new life and role in the larger world around him. They needed to rebuild his image from Hydra assassin to lifesaving Avenger, and it would take time; time that clearly included boring him to death.

His eyes burned from all of the reading, worsening when he tried to rub the pain away; closing the book and tossing it aside, he stood from the small desk and stretched his arms over his head, feeling the tension pulling and hearing a few cracks in his joints. "You're so damn old, man," he mumbled to himself, shaking off the fatigue that was only spreading rather than abating. The bed looked almost too comfortable, but with nothing else to do other than the reading that was putting him to sleep anyway, he decided to nap.

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