I Don't Want to Love You (Deadpool/Parker x reader)

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Sequel to "Well I Wasn't Expecting That" (in book #1)

Deadpool missed his target. He never missed his target. He didn't even care that he missed it.

It had been two hours since the flying arachnid boy grabbed you from mid-air as he watched, not realizing that it would sting so much once you were gone. It wasn't so much that you were gone; it wasn't like you spent every moment together, but it was a matter of who you were gone with. Parker was his friend, but right now, he was the unexpected competition.

He was still sitting on the edge of the bridge where you had left him, contemplating what was happening to him. He pulled out another piece of paper from his suit and began to draw. "You're so pretty, (Y/N)", he mumbled as he tried in earnest to match your likeness in crayon and coming up a little short. "Why are you trying to make me crazy?" He set the paper to the side for a moment and grabbed his radio, carefully flipping over the old cassette that was inside. "I'm never gonna dance again," he sang in a sad, whispered tone, returning to his drawing. "The way I danced with you-ou-ouuuu." Satisfied with his picture, he held it out in front of him to admire his work.


After a moment, his hands lowered and he hung his head, realizing that he may have missed an opportunity with you that he didn't even know that he wanted until right now. His chest was suddenly heavy and his throat began to sting with the building emotions that he struggled to hold in. He took a deep breath and crushed the picture in his fists, throwing it onto the highway far below. "I don't want to love you, (Y/N)!" He yelled at it as he watched it fall. As it hit the concrete, his voice lowered to a solemn tone, "but fuck that, right? We don't always get what we want." Pushing himself up, he grabbed his belongings, still watching until a car finally drove over your picture and shredded it into pieces.

"Just ask Andrew Ridgeley."


"So, you and Wade. What's going on there?" Peter asked quietly, sitting next to you on a bench overlooking the pier, his fingers absentmindedly playing with your own. "You guys friends...or...?"

"If we were 'or', do you think I'd be sitting here with you, Pete?"

He nodded quickly with a sigh that turned into a laugh, "right, duh. Stupid question." He kept turning his head to look around as if he were trying to find something in the darkness behind him, but never came up with anything. "How long have you known each other?"

"Why are you asking me so many questions about Wade?" You were beginning to get a little irritated with him, shifting on the bench to turn to face him straight-on. "I thought you were different, Pete. Most guys can't handle my friendship with another guy, and I thought you were okay with it." A small smirk crossed your lips with a little snicker, "Or, maybe If you'd rather have this date with him, I'm sure we can arrange something."

"No!" he protested. "No, that's not it at all! I just...hold on...I'm getting a sense of something..." he faded away, again turning around to scan the perimeter around you. "Maybe I'm just nervous."

You cocked your head slightly and listened, putting your hand over his mouth before he could say any more. Closing your eyes, you focused on the sounds around you and waited.

"Mmmnph..." he mumbled under your hand, but you pushed harder against him to keep him silent. "MMMPH!" he growled, pulling your hand away. "There's someone watching us."

"Yeah, I've got that," you huffed, spinning around to look behind you, locking your sights on just a hint of red leather peeking out from behind a large tree. "I can see you, asshat!" you yelled to Wade. "You're just so damn good at hide-and-seek."

"I know, right?" he called back, immediately pissed that you had tricked him into giving himself away. "Well I was until I started hanging around with you." He stepped out from behind the tree and stomped his way over to you, dropping himself down on the bench between you and your date. "So, what are our plans for this fine evening, kids?"

"Well," Peter answered, his voice uncertain, "I was thinking I would take (Y/N) to dinner."

"Ooooh! Where are we going?" Wade said with excitement, clapping his hands together. "I've always wanted to try that new burger joint over on 5th!"

You nudged him away with your shoulder and reached your arm around him, pushing him forward and off of the bench onto the ground. "Wade," you sighed, "go home."

"I thought we had a date!" he whined, picking himself up and dusting the dirt from his backside. "How rude, (Y/N). I was gonna show you such a good time that you'd leave slinger here in the dust."

"What?" Peter asked, now looking more confused than before.


"What the hell did you just say?" You growled, standing to meet him and staring at him full of anger now as you waited for your explanation.

"Aw, man! Do you know hard it is to get leather clean?"

"Wade! Answer the damn question!"

His hands came up to his face and he gasped, "such language, (Y/N)! You need to watch your fucking mouth! And in front of our young Parker, here!" He still hadn't answered you, and you weren't backing down, your arms now crossed and looking as angry as he had ever seen you. Rather than saying any more, he simply turned and ran.


Quickly rescheduling your date and leaving Peter behind, you ran after Wade, hoping that he had gone home to hide from your wrath. Once there, you charged in, slamming the door behind you to announce your arrival, just in case he wasn't in the shape to welcome company. You gave the room a quick scan, finding his Crocs at the door and his tell-tale unicorn on a nearby table. "Maybe he's not here," you mumbled to yourself and turned to leave.

"I'm right here."

"Son of a-" you jumped, spinning around and seeing him move in a dark corner of the living room. He had his suit off and had changed into a pair of sweats, sitting with a beer on the table next to him and looking completely dejected. "I guess I should have knocked."

"It's okay. You're the only one who ever comes over, and I ain't got nothing you haven't seen before."

You crossed the room and took a seat on the couch next to him, watching silently and waiting for him to say something; to say anything, about the scene he had caused at the pier. You were just about to start when he finally broke the silence that had made the room uncomfortable enough that you considered just leaving.

"You look so hot."

"Okay, thanks," you huffed, "but I'm gonna need you to be serious here, for just a few minutes."

"I know, you hate me now too, right? I interrupted your date and made an ass of myself. It's what I do," he shrugged, "I fuck things up for everyone. Doing it for myself just isn't enough." He took a long drink of his beer, then began to slowly peel the label away, doing his best to find a way from meeting your stare. "He doesn't deserve you."

"And you do?"

"Oh, god no!" he choked, shaking his head. "No one does. I just thought...maybe it would be nice to pretend that I did for a minute." He paused and took a deep breath, sounding just a little shaky in his resolve. "It was nice."

You knew how hard it was for Wade to talk about his feelings, and his body language made it no secret. He had never once shown interest in taking your friendship any farther before, but you'd by lying if you said that you hadn't thought about it a few times. The date with Peter was still something new, so you had no ties to anyone, and there was nothing holding you back. He still wasn't looking at you until you stood in front of him with your hand extended, coughing quietly to finally get his attention.

"So, burger joint on 5th?"    

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