Who Said Life Was Fair? (Part 4-7) (Barnes/Rogers/Stark x reader)

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The first section of this story is in Book One- I had a request to continue it.

"Do you know me?"

"You're (Y/N)," Bucky answered softly, his tone uncertain, but his eyes...they were skeptical and cautious; he stood steady, but watching you as if he were a frightened child and ready to run at the first sign of danger. "I read about you in a museum. At that Captain America thing."

You wouldn't argue in saying that you felt much the same fear as he was; this was just one more thing in this new life of yours that would set your mind spinning from the sudden revelation of seeing Bucky again after all these years. His voice had set your memory ablaze with anticipation of seeing him, but it also put your entire body on edge and prepared to protect yourself from a man who was still considered to be one of the greatest assassins of the modern age.

"Bucky, I know that you're nervous, and you have every reason to be. Believe me, I am too," you smiled, but it didn't reach your eyes and it definitely didn't look genuine. "But you're lying."

"Guys," Steve interrupted, "maybe we should sit down and take this slow."

"We don't have time for that, Steve," you argued. "As soon as Tony realizes that I'm here, and that you've called in almost everyone else, shit's gonna hit the fan."

"Hey, langua-"

"Don't," you warned with a sharp glare, "you know that doesn't work on me, so just give up already." You turned back to your original target and held his gaze, but you could sense that he was forcing himself to not look away, and that maybe you were making him more nervous that need be. "Okay, Bucky," you sighed, turning enough to grab a chair to pull in closer, slowly sitting in front of him, "I need to know everything that you remember about me."

His eyes darted towards Steve for the flash of a second as if to gather his strength from the man, but he quickly looked back to you, his features softening just slightly at your close proximity. He had no reason to feel afraid of you, or at least not in this situation; from what Steve had told him, however, if you were challenged it was every man for himself against you. Despite that knowledge, when he looked into your eyes he couldn't help but feel a guarded safety, and it was a feeling that he had been without for far too long. It was a feeling that he wanted more of, and to never be without again. "I remember that you hated it when I called you my girlfriend," he answered softly and with a lopsided grin, "and that you'd get mad if I put my hand on your butt."

"Yeah, I remember that too," Steve joined in, "you'd get so...mad..." His voice faded away as soon as he realized that the focus had shifted completely onto him, and that your soft disposition was stripped away to leave eyes full of rage looking back. "What? What did I do now?"

"What do you mean, he'd get so mad? How would you know that? Unless..." you paused, your eyes widening in realization, "unless you were there too. Oh, you son of a bitch."


"Steve, you've known me for this long and you've never said anything?!" you snapped, pushing away from Bucky to stand over the Captain. "All this time that we've known each other, I've been trying to figure out who I was...who I am...and you've known all along? How could you keep that from me? I thought we'd become friends! I thought that we trusted each other! When did you figure it out?!"

Now Steve was standing up with you, challenging you to push further towards him, his jaw set as his frustration and anger began a slow build. It wasn't really directed at you, but you were the only one yelling at him so that's just where the focus went. "Hey, I didn't know until I was talking to Buck before you got here, and then it all started to make sense. It follows Hydra's pattern too well, don't ya think? You show up on the Avengers doorstep, skills like yours, movements that match Bucky's, and no idea where you got them."

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