Deadpool and Juliet (Deadpool x reader)

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Language, obviously

"Shut your fucking face," Wade whispered harshly, his hand pressed tightly over your mouth, yelping in pain when you clamped your teeth into his skin. "I mean, please stop talking, if you wouldn't mind, oh gorgeous love of my life."


"Seriously, shut up. Shhh." You took a deep breath to say something else, but he tightened his grip, "no, shhh. Zip it." He peeked around the corner from where he had pulled you into hiding when your late night walk was nearly interrupted by Rogue and Colossus passing by just across the busy city street. "Unless you want to get caught? Maybe get a chance to sit on the old bald guy's lap? I'm sure it's been years since he's had a hot girl buy a ticket to that ride. Maybe even an ugly one..." he whispered, suddenly introspective.

"Wade, they're gone."


"Hmm?" he finally replied, snapping out of his trance and releasing his hold over your mouth. "Sorry. Right. Okay, so shall we continue?" he smiled, holding out his arm for you to link yours through, but you didn't immediately take it like he thought you would. "Uh oh, bad Deadpool?"

"Why is it such a problem for them to know that you and I are together? Am I not good enough for you all of the sudden?"

"Whaaaat?" he gasped loudly, his hands shooting up to his face in shock. "No! It's nothing like that at all! It's just that...well, you're an Avenger. Yuck. And to top it off, you're the spawn of Stark. More yuck."

"Again, I would like to point out that you're an asshole."

Wade stood still for a moment, his arm once again out for you to take, "you know I don't actually believe that, right? But the mutant crew seems to have a serious dislike of the A-team and doesn't really approve so I'd like to keep them out of it."

"I can't say that the A-team really cares much for the shallow end of the gene pool either," you scoffed, finally taking his arm. "No offense, of course."

"None taken," he said with a small shake of his head and resuming your stroll through the city. "None taken at all, sweetness. I only swim in the deep end of that pool." Wade leaned down to your ear and whispered with a snicker in his tone, "I pee in it every chance I get."


"Have a pleasant evening, Miss (Y/N). It is always a pleasure to see you."

You waited for Wade to come around to the other side of the older yellow cab and open your door, reaching quickly through the small divider window to pat the driver on the shoulder. "Thanks, Dopinder. It's great to see you again too." After the door was closed and you had a moment of privacy, you reached up and slapped Wade gently on his arm, "please tell me that sweet guy doesn't just sit around waiting for you to call him and then not pay."

"Hey, I gave him twenty this time!"

"High-fives don't count, Wilson."

"Twenty. I said twenty. Is the mask muffling my voice?"

"I don't know why you wear that thing around me anymore," you mumbled, looking into your purse and digging around for your cash. He whispered something to himself that you were about to ask him to repeat when you finally found what you needed. "Here, Dopinder, it's on me," you smiled, handing him an actual twenty.

"Oh, no, (Y/N), I cannot take that from you," he smiled with a refusing wave of his hands, "I am more than happy to provide my services."

You pushed your way into his open window, half of you now inside the car and pressing the bill against his chest with a stern look on your face. "Dopinder, if you don't take this right now, I'm going to give it to you in a way that you're not going to like so much. Or, maybe you will, but that's really none of my business. Understood?"

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