Rude (Rogers x reader)

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Your hand slid down from the alarm clock, over your small bedside table, and quickly tucked back in under the warmth of your blankets as you refused to accept your fate of having to wake up at 3am for a mission. Steve was likely to be awake already and you knew that your moments of rest were precious and few now, but you would take every one that you could get.

"Wake up, lazy bum," came the expected, soft voice in your ear. "We leave in an hour."

"ughgooooawaaaay" you growled, pulling the blanket harshly over your head to block him. He didn't respond right away, with you fully expecting him to yank them off and force you out into the cool air of your room. You waited, doing your best to not give into the temptation to uncover and look for him, but just as you were about to relent, a sharp poke of his finger stuck you in the side.

"I said, wake up. Or face the consequences."


"Are you saying that you aren't going to get up on your own?"

"I'm saying," you hissed, "that I want to know all of my options."

"Your hesitation has left me to no other alternative," he sighed with a mournful shake of his head, though the smirk curling the edges of his lips told otherwise. "I don't want to do this, but I can't let this insolent behavior and blatant disregard for your Captain's orders go unpunished."


"I'm sorry, (Y/N), you've brought this on yourself." He dove under the blankets and dug his fingers deep into your sides, wiggling them until you screamed aloud and tried to push him away, laughing with a piercing squeal that was sure to have woken any of your team that had yet to rouse. "Scream all you want, doll, no one is gonna save you!"

"Steve...stop..." you gasped between laughs, struggling to free yourself from his grip. "I'll get up...I promise..."

"Empty promises. I've heard 'em all," he laughed, rolling you onto your back and throwing his leg over you to straddle your waist, looking down at you with a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. His hands hurried up and under your arms, ticking you without any care to your begging or the tears now running down your cheeks with your uncontrollable laughter. He grabbed you and flipped you onto your stomach, one hand reaching down to capture your foot while holding his free hand precariously over the soft skin of its bottom. "What have you learned this morning, (Y/N)?"

"That you're a jerk?"

His laugh grew much darker and more villainous, clenching his fingers tighter around your ankle, "last chance, sweetheart."

"That you're a lot meaner than you look?"

"Oh, you're about to find out just how mean I can be." At first, his fingers lightly grazed over the gentle arch of your foot, enough to make you writhe with squealing laughter again, but he seemed to have found great satisfaction in the sound and became frantic in his movements, making the tickling almost unbearable.

"Stop! Okay, I give! Stop!" you squirmed, desperate to get away, but it only made his grip tighter.

"Say it."


"Say it, (Y/N)," Steve replied calmly, his hands still torturing you, "or I can make this so much worse. You know that."

"Captain Rogers, sir," you gasped, feeling slightly dizzy from laughing so forcefully for too long and still breathless as you spoke. "I was...wrong to," you laughed.

"That's more like it." Steve released your foot and rolled you back over to face him, looking down at you with a dark expression, leaning down to give you a quick kiss before you even had the chance to catch your breath. He pushed himself up to stand at your side, "again, what have you learned this morning, (Y/N)?"

"That you're still a jerk, but this time you're gonna have to catch me!" You jumped up and ran for the bathroom, quickly slamming the door shut and locking it just before he was able to reach out and grab you, nearly catching his fingers in the frame. He was disappointed at first in his inability to catch you, but that changed quickly to a look of satisfaction as he realized that he had met his goal after all. He ran his hand gently over the wooden surface, smiling and and calling out to you once more before turning away to prepare for the mission ahead.

"Babe? Are you ever not going to fall for that?"

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