That Can't Be Good (Tony Stark x reader)

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"Hey, nerd."



"I know that you're trying to make 'nerd' into a derogatory term, Tony, so I can't condone that by answering you."

"Huh, she does speak," he snickered, sitting down at the table next to you. "Why do you always have your head buried in a book when JARVIS can show you anything you could ever want?" He sat quietly, watching you read, and watching you completely ignore him. "Hello?"

"Hmm?" you murmured, snapping your head up to finally look at him. "I'm sorry, were you still talking to me?"

"Wow, this is a new one for me. I'm not used to being so blatantly ignored, (Y/N). I don't care how good your book is."

You shut your book quietly, cowering just slightly at his tone and the attention that he was putting on you. Tony was an imposing presence to say the least, but even when he was being a bit of a jerk, you were completely impressed and helplessly smitten; even if you weren't so shy around him, you wouldn't do anything about it anyway. He obviously wasn't interested.

"I'm just gonna take this to my room, excuse me."

"You don't have to run off just because of me. I can behave..." he pleaded, now standing with you and slouching his shoulders in defeat when you didn't reply, leaving him there to watch you walk away yet again.

"Between the arrogance and the insults, Stark, I can't imagine why she doesn't like you," Clint laughed from the couches behind him. "You might want to change up your methods a little."


When Bruce tossed a fairly sizable and definitely expensive electroscope at Tony to catch, he didn't hear his friend's call out to warn him, leaving it to bounce across the work station and crashing onto the floor at his feet. Even with the commotion, Tony was unfazed and standing still, staring out the large lab window that overlooked the common room below.

"You know, if you keep on acting like a lovesick teenager, we won't have any equipment left."

"What am I doing wrong?"

"Well, for starters, you don't catch when I tell you to..." Bruce deadpanned.

"Yeah, okay..." Tony mumbled. His attention was fully on you, watching you sit with a few others from the team, laughing and smiling politely at whatever surely dull story that Steve was telling. It bothered him that it affected him so much; seeing you smiling at the Captain, responding to him when Tony felt like you wouldn't give him the time of day if his life depended on it. He wasn't familiar with jealousy, but if this is what is was like, he didn't care for it.

"This can't be good," Bruce sighed, removing his glasses and stepping next to his friend to see what was holding the entirety of his attention and causing their work to suffer. "Oh, of course. (Y/N)'s down there. I get it, you just take your time, Tony. Nothing could be more important than stalking someone who has absolutely no interest in you." Bruce gave Tony a slap on the back and returned to his table with a shake of his head and the effect you were having on him.

Tony crossed his arms over his chest and furrowed his brow, watching you intently as you put your hand on Steve's arm with a boisterous laugh that was completely out of your character. "Do you think she likes him? She can't like him, can she? What does he have that I don't?"

"I don't know, Tony," Bruce groaned in exasperation, "maybe it's the uniform. I hear girls like's very...fitted."

That finally got a response, Tony turning to look at him with a mix of shock and disbelief in the feedback. "Come on, Banner. Do you honestly think that (Y/N) is so superficial that a uniform would get her attention? That can't be it." His gaze dropped to the floor and he rubbed his hand over his cheek, his mind now racing. Tony began to pace back and forth, with Bruce watching silently as his hands waved in the air to his own mumbling and incoherent thoughts that the doctor didn't even try to follow.

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