Entitlement (dad!Tony x reader)

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You had joined your dad on his annual speaking engagement at MIT, standing proudly in the background as he delivered his address and offered a record-setting grant to the students who were hanging on his every word. Tony was almost done with his speech, watching the words scroll past on the teleprompter, when you paused along with him at the name that was forgotten during the proof-read.

Pepper Potts.

"Shit," you groaned, turning to one of the coordinators in a low whisper, "you were supposed to get her name out of there. What happened?"

"I'm sorry, we didn't have time to fix it," one of them answered nervously, their eyes wide as they waited for your response.

"It's fine...just don't bring it up, alright?"

"Mr. Stark," the woman called to him when he approached, stepping away from you as if your conversation with her hadn't just happened, "I'm so sorry about the teleprompter."

"Alright, adding invisibility to my resume," you mumbled to yourself, turning to Tony with the best smile that you could muster despite the sorrowful stare that he was giving you in return. "Hey, Dad, you okay?"

"Always. Bathroom is this way?" he pointed, looking past you without care towards a reply. "Great, (Y/N), care to join me?"

"In the bathroom?"

"Yeah...I mean, no...I just...I need to talk to you alone," he stammered, continuing towards the doors and to his escape from the rush of people demanding his time and all but ignoring your insistence for them to stay back. When one little man went into a rant about his self-cooking hot dog, you had finally had enough.

"Back off," you snapped, raising your hands in front of you defensively. You heard one of the younger interns whisper something about Iron Man's snippy daughter and it only made you that much more angry at them rather than insulting you in any way. "Mr. Stark needs to pee, so let's give the man a minute, alright?"

"(Y/N)," Tony chuckled, "I applaud the effort, but maybe a little tact?"

"Hey, I could've said worse."

"Noted," he nodded, pushing the door open and holding it for you, allowing you to pass through before him. He stopped just on the other side of it, waiting for it to close before beginning, "listen, sweetheart, I've got a meeting after this and I think you should head back without me. It's all just bureaucracy and diplomatic crap that I barely have interest in, so I can only imagine how bored you'd be."

"Alright, if you're sure that you're okay?"

"Don't worry about me, (Y/N). I'm supposed to be the worrier in this family, remember?"

"How could I forget?" you sighed, reaching out to accept his hug before leaving him to return to your hotel to pack. When you pulled away from his hold, you saw the fatigue and sadness in his eyes, but even if you were to ask him about it now, he would deny it and send you on your way, so you decided to wait until he took the first step. "Call me if you need to talk. You might be able to fool everyone else, but not this girl."


You would never tell Tony this, but you were relieved when he told you that you should head back to the compound without him; it wasn't that you didn't enjoy going with him on trips like this, and you could do a better job than anyone else with keeping him on task and keeping reporters out of his hair about his split with Pepper, but it took a personal toll when the attention shifted to you.

It wasn't uncommon for the press to print articles after each outing with your dad, thinking that you were given the job to assist him merely because of who you were, having nothing to do with the idea that you really could do it better than anyone else by your skill. The name Stark was both a source of pride and frustration for you, being thought by many that you were nothing more than the spoiled daughter of Tony Stark, and that you thought you were entitled to anything that came your way. It wasn't true at all, when in fact, Tony made you work for everything you had, including this job, and he had no quarrel about taking any of it away if you didn't live up to the expectations that he set.

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