My Girl (dad!Tony x reader)

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I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.

When it's cold outside I've got the month of May.

I guess you'd say

What can make me feel this way?

My girl (my girl, my girl)

Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).

Tony had an aversion to murder. Since his rebirth as Iron Man and with his renewed purpose to protect the good in the world around him, he very rarely had thoughts that were so destructive towards another person.

But on this day, his mind was blinded by both rage and sorrow, the two emotions battling within him to take hold and to drive his actions. It wouldn't take much for his hand to squeeze the life out of this little wretch of a man, tightening the grip on his neck with every new thought about where he was supposed to be right now, the color in his fingers blanched away. Tony wasn't even wearing his suit; he wanted to feel this moment with his bare hand, and the desire terrified him.

"Do it...already," the man grunted through a crushed windpipe, "or are you...enjoying it...that much?"

"I'm not supposed to be here. I was supposed to be done stopping your worthless ass and back home by now," he spat out in reply. "I have something to do that is infinitely more valuable than the life that I'm squeezing out of you. And no, I'm not enjoying this at all."


A low growl was building deep within Tony's chest at the taunting, and if he were any less of a man than he was when he woke up that morning, he would have finished the guy off then and there. He closed his eyes and released his hold, finally filling the world around him with the sounds of pain and frustration that he had been holding in, hoping that thousands of miles away, you would somehow hear him and know that he would never forgive himself, and he would never ask it of you.


"What do you mean, he's not here?! He has to be here! He's supposed to give me away in fifteen minutes!"

"I know, (Y/N), I'm really sorry," Natasha replied cautiously. She held her stance at the door and well out of your line of anger, standing with her bouquet in front of her with the hopes that you wouldn't ruin such a beautiful arrangement of your favorite flowers just to get to her. She was right, but not because of the flowers, nor because of her perfectly applied make up and the gentle curls in her vibrantly red hair; she was right because you had such a crushing pain in your chest at the idea that your own father wasn't going to be there on your wedding day to give you away, that you couldn't move.

"He hasn't even called in?"

"No, and we tried to call him...we've tried over and over..." she stopped, realizing that she was now only inciting your panic as well with the thoughts that maybe he wasn't okay, "but we'll try again."

" am I supposed to do this without him?" you whispered, more to yourself than to her.

"Well, we think we have a solution," she replied more energetically, "and he knows that he could never replace Tony, but he wants to help." She held up a hand to hold you in place, turning to open the door behind her and peek her head out. You could hear that she was talking to someone, giving them the okay to enter, and when you saw who had stepped up to take Tony's place, your heart immediately melted at the sight.

"Okay, I know that I'm not your first choice, but I promise that I won't make any jokes about Steve while I walk you to him. I don't even care how old he really is, I promise."

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