It Always Ends in a Fight (Barnes x reader)

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Warning: Pregnancy complications

We've got two down, we're ten minutes out.

"He didn't say who it was," you muttered, looking over the tray of your emergency supplies laid out on the table before you. Bruce was only a few feet away, standing ready with his eyes on the hangar bay, anxiously waiting for the door to open so that the two of you could respond. "Steve didn't say who the two injured were, did he?"

"No, he didn't."

"Smart," you nodded, "one of them has to be Buck. Otherwise he would have told us. He's trying to keep from scaring me. That's smart."

"Hey, we don't know that yet, (Y/N). He probably just didn't have time to send more information than that. But yeah, let's try to stay calm, okay? The last thing you need is stress like this, but I can't do it by myself if they're both critical. You're the actual medical doctor here, so you've got the advantage."

"Right." With a deep breath, walking from one table to the next, your hand laid gently over your barely-there baby belly, you took one final inventory of equipment and medications, keeping your mind occupied to keep from envisioning your fiancé as the one you would have to work on. "Steve's a smart guy. Don't scare the pregnant lady."

"Here we go," Bruce announced, jolting you from your trance, slamming the doors open and pushing one gurney through as you pushed the other. The hangar bay doors finished opening and the quinjet came in for a landing, its own door beginning to open before the wheels had even touched the floor. He pushed forward first, calling out to Steve at the first sign of the Captain's form coming into sight. "Who do we have?"

You held your breath for the answer, seeing Tony and Steve beginning to emerge, each of them carrying someone but they were only shadows yet. As they stepped onto the ramp and towards you, allowing the lights of the hangar to hit them, your heart dropped into your stomach before they had a chance to answer Bruce's query.

"Romanoff and Barnes."


"I'll take Buck," you commanded, pushing your gurney forward to accept him.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Bruce broke in, a hand up to stop Steve from setting him there, "(Y/N), you're compromised."

"Put him on the goddamn gurney, Steve," you snapped, throwing Bruce a glare with a fire in your eyes that would make even the Hulk take a step back. "I've got this." With a harsh pull back, the wheels rolled easily for you to bring him into the infirmary and to your station where you began to look at where to even start. He wasn't conscious, thankfully, and there was blood...everywhere.

"Steve, I need you," you called out to the Captain, who looked pale himself, worried about his best friend just as much as you were. "Help me get this uniform cut away. I need to see where the injuries are and he's too heavy to move him on my own."

The sounds of tearing material filled the space around you, and with a few grunts and sharp pulls, Bucky's shirt had been all but shredded in Steve's panic to help. "Okay," you sighed, pushing your stethoscope to his chest, "there's internal bleeding." You moved down to his abdomen, again listening and pressing in several areas, thankful to see him grimace in pain even in his unconsciousness; it meant that Bucky was still in there. "I need to get him into surgery. Bruce, how's...Nat..." you gasped, sucking in a harsh breath and grabbing your side at the sudden stabbing pain that gripped you.

"Hey, you okay?" Steve asked, rushing to stand next to you. "What's happening?"

"Nothing...just a cramp, I'm fine."

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